[ 'date' => 'Tue+Sep+17+2013+21%3A35%3A31+GMT%2B0100+(BST)#', ], ]; // Query the AJAX Timezone Callback with a long-format date. $response = $this->drupalGet('system/timezone/BST/3600/1', $options); $this->assertEqual($response, '"Europe\/London"', 'Timezone AJAX callback successfully identifies and responds to a long-format date.'); } /** * Test that DrupalDateTime can detect the right timezone to use. * Test with a variety of less commonly used timezone names to * help ensure that the system timezone will be different than the * stated timezones. */ public function testDateTimezone() { $date_string = '2007-01-31 21:00:00'; // Make sure no site timezone has been set. $this->config('system.date') ->set('timezone.user.configurable', 0) ->set('timezone.default', NULL) ->save(); // Detect the system timezone. $system_timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); // Create a date object with an unspecified timezone, which should // end up using the system timezone. $date = new DrupalDateTime($date_string); $timezone = $date->getTimezone()->getName(); $this->assertTrue($timezone == $system_timezone, 'DrupalDateTime uses the system timezone when there is no site timezone.'); // Create a date object with a specified timezone. $date = new DrupalDateTime($date_string, 'America/Yellowknife'); $timezone = $date->getTimezone()->getName(); $this->assertTrue($timezone == 'America/Yellowknife', 'DrupalDateTime uses the specified timezone if provided.'); // Set a site timezone. $this->config('system.date')->set('timezone.default', 'Europe/Warsaw')->save(); // Create a date object with an unspecified timezone, which should // end up using the site timezone. $date = new DrupalDateTime($date_string); $timezone = $date->getTimezone()->getName(); $this->assertTrue($timezone == 'Europe/Warsaw', 'DrupalDateTime uses the site timezone if provided.'); // Create user. $this->config('system.date')->set('timezone.user.configurable', 1)->save(); $test_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([]); $this->drupalLogin($test_user); // Set up the user with a different timezone than the site. $edit = ['mail' => $test_user->getEmail(), 'timezone' => 'Asia/Manila']; $this->drupalPostForm('user/' . $test_user->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save')); // Reload the user and reset the timezone in AccountProxy::setAccount(). \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('user')->resetCache(); $this->container->get('current_user')->setAccount(User::load($test_user->id())); // Create a date object with an unspecified timezone, which should // end up using the user timezone. $date = new DrupalDateTime($date_string); $timezone = $date->getTimezone()->getName(); $this->assertTrue($timezone == 'Asia/Manila', 'DrupalDateTime uses the user timezone, if configurable timezones are used and it is set.'); } /** * Tests the ability to override the time zone in the format method. */ public function testTimezoneFormat() { // Create a date in UTC $date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp(87654321, 'UTC'); // Verify that the date format method displays the default time zone. $this->assertEqual($date->format('Y/m/d H:i:s e'), '1972/10/11 12:25:21 UTC', 'Date has default UTC time zone and correct date/time.'); // Verify that the format method can override the time zone. $this->assertEqual($date->format('Y/m/d H:i:s e', ['timezone' => 'America/New_York']), '1972/10/11 08:25:21 America/New_York', 'Date displayed overidden time zone and correct date/time'); // Verify that the date format method still displays the default time zone // for the date object. $this->assertEqual($date->format('Y/m/d H:i:s e'), '1972/10/11 12:25:21 UTC', 'Date still has default UTC time zone and correct date/time'); } }