getHttpClient(); $session = $this->getSession(); $test_cases = [ [ 'input' => 'node', 'output' => 'node', 'message' => "Standard internal example node path is present in the 'destination' parameter.", ], [ 'input' => '/', 'output' => '/', 'message' => 'Internal path with one leading slash is allowed.', ], [ 'input' => '//', 'output' => '', 'message' => 'External URL without scheme is not allowed.', ], [ 'input' => 'example:test', 'output' => 'example:test', 'message' => 'Internal URL using a colon is allowed.', ], [ 'input' => '', 'output' => '', 'message' => 'External URL is not allowed.', ], [ 'input' => 'javascript:alert(0)', 'output' => 'javascript:alert(0)', 'message' => 'Javascript URL is allowed because it is treated as an internal URL.', ], ]; foreach ($test_cases as $test_case) { // Test $_GET['destination']. $this->drupalGet('system-test/get-destination', ['query' => ['destination' => $test_case['input']]]); $this->assertIdentical($test_case['output'], $session->getPage()->getContent(), $test_case['message']); // Test $_REQUEST['destination']. $post_output = $http_client->request('POST', $this->buildUrl('system-test/request-destination'), [ 'form_params' => ['destination' => $test_case['input']], ]); $this->assertIdentical($test_case['output'], (string) $post_output->getBody(), $test_case['message']); } // Make sure that 404 pages do not populate $_GET['destination'] with // external URLs. \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('')->set('page.404', '/system-test/get-destination')->save(); $this->drupalGet('', ['external' => FALSE]); $this->assertResponse(404); $this->assertIdentical(Url::fromRoute('')->toString(), $session->getPage()->getContent(), 'External URL is not allowed on 404 pages.'); } }