installConfig(['filter']); $this->installEntitySchema('taxonomy_term'); } /** * Deleting terms should also remove related vocabulary. * Deleting an invalid term should silently fail. */ public function testTermDelete() { $vocabulary = $this->createVocabulary(); $valid_term = $this->createTerm($vocabulary); // Delete a valid term. $valid_term->delete(); $terms = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('taxonomy_term', ['vid' => $vocabulary->id()]); $this->assertTrue(empty($terms), 'Vocabulary is empty after deletion'); // Delete an invalid term. Should not throw any notices. entity_delete_multiple('taxonomy_term', [42]); } /** * Deleting a parent of a term with multiple parents does not delete the term. */ public function testMultipleParentDelete() { $vocabulary = $this->createVocabulary(); $parent_term1 = $this->createTerm($vocabulary); $parent_term2 = $this->createTerm($vocabulary); $child_term = $this->createTerm($vocabulary); $child_term->parent = [$parent_term1->id(), $parent_term2->id()]; $child_term->save(); $child_term_id = $child_term->id(); $parent_term1->delete(); $term_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('taxonomy_term'); $term_storage->resetCache([$child_term_id]); $child_term = Term::load($child_term_id); $this->assertTrue(!empty($child_term), 'Child term is not deleted if only one of its parents is removed.'); $parent_term2->delete(); $term_storage->resetCache([$child_term_id]); $child_term = Term::load($child_term_id); $this->assertTrue(empty($child_term), 'Child term is deleted if all of its parents are removed.'); } /** * Test a taxonomy with terms that have multiple parents of different depths. */ public function testTaxonomyVocabularyTree() { // Create a new vocabulary with 6 terms. $vocabulary = $this->createVocabulary(); $term = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $term[$i] = $this->createTerm($vocabulary); } // Get the taxonomy storage. $taxonomy_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('taxonomy_term'); // Set the weight on $term[1] so it appears before $term[5] when fetching // the parents for $term[2], in order to test for a regression on // \Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorageInterface::loadAllParents(). $term[1]->weight = -1; $term[1]->save(); // $term[2] is a child of 1 and 5. $term[2]->parent = [$term[1]->id(), $term[5]->id()]; $term[2]->save(); // $term[3] is a child of 2. $term[3]->parent = [$term[2]->id()]; $term[3]->save(); // $term[5] is a child of 4. $term[5]->parent = [$term[4]->id()]; $term[5]->save(); /** * Expected tree: * term[0] | depth: 0 * term[1] | depth: 0 * -- term[2] | depth: 1 * ---- term[3] | depth: 2 * term[4] | depth: 0 * -- term[5] | depth: 1 * ---- term[2] | depth: 2 * ------ term[3] | depth: 3 */ // Count $term[1] parents with $max_depth = 1. $tree = $taxonomy_storage->loadTree($vocabulary->id(), $term[1]->id(), 1); $this->assertEqual(1, count($tree), 'We have one parent with depth 1.'); // Count all vocabulary tree elements. $tree = $taxonomy_storage->loadTree($vocabulary->id()); $this->assertEqual(8, count($tree), 'We have all vocabulary tree elements.'); // Count elements in every tree depth. foreach ($tree as $element) { if (!isset($depth_count[$element->depth])) { $depth_count[$element->depth] = 0; } $depth_count[$element->depth]++; } $this->assertEqual(3, $depth_count[0], 'Three elements in taxonomy tree depth 0.'); $this->assertEqual(2, $depth_count[1], 'Two elements in taxonomy tree depth 1.'); $this->assertEqual(2, $depth_count[2], 'Two elements in taxonomy tree depth 2.'); $this->assertEqual(1, $depth_count[3], 'One element in taxonomy tree depth 3.'); /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorageInterface $storage */ $storage = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term'); // Count parents of $term[2]. $parents = $storage->loadParents($term[2]->id()); $this->assertEqual(2, count($parents), 'The term has two parents.'); // Count parents of $term[3]. $parents = $storage->loadParents($term[3]->id()); $this->assertEqual(1, count($parents), 'The term has one parent.'); // Identify all ancestors of $term[2]. $ancestors = $storage->loadAllParents($term[2]->id()); $this->assertEqual(4, count($ancestors), 'The term has four ancestors including the term itself.'); // Identify all ancestors of $term[3]. $ancestors = $storage->loadAllParents($term[3]->id()); $this->assertEqual(5, count($ancestors), 'The term has five ancestors including the term itself.'); } }