adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser($perms); $this->adminUser2 = $this->drupalCreateUser($perms); $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Assert that the toolbar is present in the HTML. $this->assertRaw('id="toolbar-administration"'); // Store the adminUser admin menu subtrees hash for comparison later. $this->hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); } /** * Tests the toolbar_modules_installed() and toolbar_modules_uninstalled() hook * implementations. */ public function testModuleStatusChangeSubtreesHashCacheClear() { // Uninstall a module. $edit = []; $edit['uninstall[taxonomy]'] = TRUE; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/modules/uninstall', $edit, t('Uninstall')); // Confirm the uninstall form. $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Uninstall')); $this->rebuildContainer(); // Assert that the subtrees hash has been altered because the subtrees // structure changed. $this->assertDifferentHash(); // Enable a module. $edit = []; $edit['modules[taxonomy][enable]'] = TRUE; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/modules', $edit, t('Install')); $this->rebuildContainer(); // Assert that the subtrees hash has been altered because the subtrees // structure changed. $this->assertDifferentHash(); } /** * Tests toolbar cache tags implementation. */ public function testMenuLinkUpdateSubtreesHashCacheClear() { // The ID of a (any) admin menu link. $admin_menu_link_id = 'system.admin_config_development'; // Disable the link. $edit = []; $edit['enabled'] = FALSE; $this->drupalPostForm("admin/structure/menu/link/" . $admin_menu_link_id . "/edit", $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertText('The menu link has been saved.'); // Assert that the subtrees hash has been altered because the subtrees // structure changed. $this->assertDifferentHash(); } /** * Exercises the toolbar_user_role_update() and toolbar_user_update() hook * implementations. */ public function testUserRoleUpdateSubtreesHashCacheClear() { // Find the new role ID. $all_rids = $this->adminUser->getRoles(); unset($all_rids[array_search(RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID, $all_rids)]); $rid = reset($all_rids); $edit = []; $edit[$rid . '[administer taxonomy]'] = FALSE; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/people/permissions', $edit, t('Save permissions')); // Assert that the subtrees hash has been altered because the subtrees // structure changed. $this->assertDifferentHash(); // Test that assigning a user an extra role only affects that single user. // Get the hash for a second user. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser2); $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Assert that the toolbar is present in the HTML. $this->assertRaw('id="toolbar-administration"'); $admin_user_2_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Log in the first admin user again. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Assert that the toolbar is present in the HTML. $this->assertRaw('id="toolbar-administration"'); $this->hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); $rid = $this->drupalCreateRole(['administer content types']); // Assign the role to the user. $this->drupalPostForm('user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit', ["roles[$rid]" => $rid], t('Save')); $this->assertText(t('The changes have been saved.')); // Assert that the subtrees hash has been altered because the subtrees // structure changed. $this->assertDifferentHash(); // Log in the second user again and assert that their subtrees hash did not // change. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser2); // Request a new page to refresh the drupalSettings object. $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); $new_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assert that the old admin menu subtree hash and the new admin menu // subtree hash are the same. $this->assertTrue($new_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->assertEqual($admin_user_2_hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has not been updated.'); } /** * Tests that changes to a user account by another user clears the changed * account's toolbar cached, not the user's who took the action. */ public function testNonCurrentUserAccountUpdates() { $admin_user_id = $this->adminUser->id(); $this->hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // adminUser2 will add a role to adminUser. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser2); $rid = $this->drupalCreateRole(['administer content types']); // Get the subtree hash for adminUser2 to check later that it has not // changed. Request a new page to refresh the drupalSettings object. $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); $admin_user_2_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assign the role to the user. $this->drupalPostForm('user/' . $admin_user_id . '/edit', ["roles[$rid]" => $rid], t('Save')); $this->assertText(t('The changes have been saved.')); // Log in adminUser and assert that the subtrees hash has changed. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->assertDifferentHash(); // Log in adminUser2 to check that its subtrees hash has not changed. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser2); $new_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assert that the old adminUser subtree hash and the new adminUser // subtree hash are the same. $this->assertTrue($new_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->assertEqual($admin_user_2_hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has not been updated.'); } /** * Tests that toolbar cache is cleared when string translations are made. */ public function testLocaleTranslationSubtreesHashCacheClear() { $admin_user = $this->adminUser; // User to translate and delete string. $translate_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['translate interface', 'access administration pages']); // Create a new language with the langcode 'xx'. $langcode = 'xx'; // The English name for the language. This will be translated. $name = $this->randomMachineName(16); // This will be the translation of $name. $translation = $this->randomMachineName(16); // Add custom language. $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); $edit = [ 'predefined_langcode' => 'custom', 'langcode' => $langcode, 'label' => $name, 'direction' => LanguageInterface::DIRECTION_LTR, ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add custom language')); t($name, [], ['langcode' => $langcode]); // Reset locale cache. $this->container->get('string_translation')->reset(); $this->assertRaw('"edit-languages-' . $langcode . '-weight"', 'Language code found.'); $this->assertText(t($name), 'Test language added.'); // Have the adminUser request a page in the new language. $this->drupalGet($langcode . '/test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Get a baseline hash for the admin menu subtrees before translating one // of the menu link items. $original_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); $this->assertTrue($original_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->drupalLogout(); // Translate the string 'Search and metadata' in the xx language. This // string appears in a link in the admin menu subtrees. Changing the string // should create a new menu hash if the toolbar subtrees cache is correctly // invalidated. $this->drupalLogin($translate_user); $search = [ 'string' => 'Search and metadata', 'langcode' => $langcode, 'translation' => 'untranslated', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $search, t('Filter')); $this->assertNoText(t('No strings available')); $this->assertText($name, 'Search found the string as untranslated.'); // Assume this is the only result. // Translate the string to a random string. $textarea = current($this->xpath('//textarea')); $lid = (string) $textarea[0]['name']; $edit = [ $lid => $translation, ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $edit, t('Save translations')); $this->assertText(t('The strings have been saved.'), 'The strings have been saved.'); $this->assertUrl(\Drupal::url('locale.translate_page', [], ['absolute' => TRUE]), [], 'Correct page redirection.'); $this->drupalLogout(); // Log in the adminUser. Check the admin menu subtrees hash now that one // of the link items in the Structure tree (Menus) has had its text // translated. $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Have the adminUser request a page in the new language. $this->drupalGet($langcode . '/test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); $new_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assert that the old admin menu subtrees hash and the new admin menu // subtrees hash are different. $this->assertTrue($new_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->assertNotEqual($original_subtree_hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has been updated.'); } /** * Tests that the 'toolbar/subtrees/{hash}' is reachable and correct. */ public function testSubtreesJsonRequest() { $admin_user = $this->adminUser; $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Request a new page to refresh the drupalSettings object. $subtrees_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); $ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAjax('toolbar/subtrees/' . $subtrees_hash); $this->assertResponse('200'); $this->assertEqual($ajax_result[0]['command'], 'setToolbarSubtrees', 'Subtrees response uses the correct command.'); $this->assertEqual(array_keys($ajax_result[0]['subtrees']), ['system-admin_content', 'system-admin_structure', 'system-themes_page', 'system-modules_list', 'system-admin_config', 'entity-user-collection', 'front'], 'Correct subtrees returned.'); } /** * Test that subtrees hashes vary by the language of the page. */ public function testLanguageSwitching() { // Create a new language with the langcode 'xx'. $langcode = 'xx'; $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode($langcode); $language->save(); // The language path processor is just registered for more than one // configured language, so rebuild the container now that we are // multilingual. $this->rebuildContainer(); // Get a page with the new language langcode in the URL. $this->drupalGet('test-page', ['language' => $language]); // Assert different hash. $new_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assert that the old admin menu subtree hash and the new admin menu // subtree hash are different. $this->assertTrue($new_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->assertNotEqual($this->hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has been updated.'); } /** * Test that back to site link exists on admin pages, not on content pages. */ public function testBackToSiteLink() { // Back to site link should exist in the markup. $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $back_link = $this->cssSelect('.home-toolbar-tab'); $this->assertTrue($back_link); } /** * Tests that external links added to the menu appear in the toolbar. */ public function testExternalLink() { $edit = [ 'title[0][value]' => 'External URL', 'link[0][uri]' => '', 'menu_parent' => 'admin:system.admin', 'description[0][value]' => 'External URL & escaped', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/admin/add', $edit, 'Save'); // Assert that the new menu link is shown on the menu link listing. $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/menu/manage/admin'); $this->assertText('External URL'); // Assert that the new menu link is shown in the toolbar on a regular page. $this->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('')); $this->assertText('External URL'); // Ensure the description is escaped as expected. $this->assertRaw('title="External URL & escaped"'); } /** * Get the hash value from the admin menu subtrees route path. * * @return string * The hash value from the admin menu subtrees route path. */ private function getSubtreesHash() { $settings = $this->getDrupalSettings(); // The toolbar module defines a route '/toolbar/subtrees/{hash}' that // returns JSON for the rendered subtrees. This hash is provided to the // client in drupalSettings. return $settings['toolbar']['subtreesHash']; } /** * Asserts the subtrees hash on a fresh page GET is different from the hash * from the previous page GET. */ private function assertDifferentHash() { // Request a new page to refresh the drupalSettings object. $this->drupalGet('test-page'); $this->assertResponse(200); $new_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash(); // Assert that the old admin menu subtree hash and the new admin menu // subtree hash are different. $this->assertTrue($new_subtree_hash, 'A valid hash value for the admin menu subtrees was created.'); $this->assertNotEqual($this->hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has been updated.'); // Save the new subtree hash as the original. $this->hash = $new_subtree_hash; } }