'nid', 'title' => 'title', ]; $expected = [ [ 'nid' => $this->node->id(), 'title' => $this->node->label(), ] ]; $view = Views::getView('test_tracker_user_uid'); $this->executeView($view); // We should have no results as the filter is set for uid 0. $this->assertIdenticalResultSet($view, [], $map); $view->destroy(); // Change the filter value to our user. $view->initHandlers(); $view->filter['uid_touch_tracker']->value = $this->node->getOwnerId(); $this->executeView($view); // We should have one result as the filter is set for the created user. $this->assertIdenticalResultSet($view, $expected, $map); $view->destroy(); // Remove the filter now, so only the argument will affect the query. $view->removeHandler('default', 'filter', 'uid_touch_tracker'); // Test the incorrect argument UID. $view->initHandlers(); $this->executeView($view, [rand()]); $this->assertIdenticalResultSet($view, [], $map); $view->destroy(); // Test the correct argument UID. $view->initHandlers(); $this->executeView($view, [$this->node->getOwnerId()]); $this->assertIdenticalResultSet($view, $expected, $map); } }