renderRoot($build); if (empty($output)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } $response->setContent($output); $cache_metadata = CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build); $response->addCacheableDependency($cache_metadata); return $response; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute() { parent::execute(); return $this->view->render(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function preview() { $output = $this->view->render(); if (!empty($this->view->live_preview)) { $output = [ '#prefix' => '
        '#plain_text' => drupal_render_root($output),
        '#suffix' => '
', ]; } return $output; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render() { $build = $this->view->style_plugin->render($this->view->result); $this->applyDisplayCacheabilityMetadata($build); return $build; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultableSections($section = NULL) { $sections = parent::defaultableSections($section); if (in_array($section, ['style', 'row'])) { return FALSE; } // Tell views our sitename_title option belongs in the title section. if ($section == 'title') { $sections[] = 'sitename_title'; } elseif (!$section) { $sections['title'][] = 'sitename_title'; } return $sections; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defineOptions() { $options = parent::defineOptions(); $options['displays'] = ['default' => []]; // Overrides for standard stuff. $options['style']['contains']['type']['default'] = 'rss'; $options['style']['contains']['options']['default'] = ['description' => '']; $options['sitename_title']['default'] = FALSE; $options['row']['contains']['type']['default'] = 'rss_fields'; $options['defaults']['default']['style'] = FALSE; $options['defaults']['default']['row'] = FALSE; return $options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function newDisplay() { parent::newDisplay(); // Set the default row style. Ideally this would be part of the option // definition, but in this case it's dependent on the view's base table, // which we don't know until init(). if (empty($this->options['row']['type']) || $this->options['row']['type'] === 'rss_fields') { $row_plugins = Views::fetchPluginNames('row', $this->getType(), [$this->view->storage->get('base_table')]); $default_row_plugin = key($row_plugins); $options = $this->getOption('row'); $options['type'] = $default_row_plugin; $this->setOption('row', $options); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function optionsSummary(&$categories, &$options) { parent::optionsSummary($categories, $options); // Since we're childing off the 'path' type, we'll still *call* our // category 'page' but let's override it so it says feed settings. $categories['page'] = [ 'title' => $this->t('Feed settings'), 'column' => 'second', 'build' => [ '#weight' => -10, ], ]; if ($this->getOption('sitename_title')) { $options['title']['value'] = $this->t('Using the site name'); } $displays = array_filter($this->getOption('displays')); if (count($displays) > 1) { $attach_to = $this->t('Multiple displays'); } elseif (count($displays) == 1) { $display = array_shift($displays); $displays = $this->view->storage->get('display'); if (!empty($displays[$display])) { $attach_to = $displays[$display]['display_title']; } } if (!isset($attach_to)) { $attach_to = $this->t('None'); } $options['displays'] = [ 'category' => 'page', 'title' => $this->t('Attach to'), 'value' => $attach_to, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // It is very important to call the parent function here. parent::buildOptionsForm($form, $form_state); switch ($form_state->get('section')) { case 'title': $title = $form['title']; // A little juggling to move the 'title' field beyond our checkbox. unset($form['title']); $form['sitename_title'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Use the site name for the title'), '#default_value' => $this->getOption('sitename_title'), ]; $form['title'] = $title; $form['title']['#states'] = [ 'visible' => [ ':input[name="sitename_title"]' => ['checked' => FALSE], ], ]; break; case 'displays': $form['#title'] .= $this->t('Attach to'); $displays = []; foreach ($this->view->storage->get('display') as $display_id => $display) { // @todo The display plugin should have display_title and id as well. if ($this->view->displayHandlers->has($display_id) && $this->view->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->acceptAttachments()) { $displays[$display_id] = $display['display_title']; } } $form['displays'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Displays'), '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#description' => $this->t('The feed icon will be available only to the selected displays.'), '#options' => array_map('\Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape', $displays), '#default_value' => $this->getOption('displays'), ]; break; case 'path': $form['path']['#description'] = $this->t('This view will be displayed by visiting this path on your site. It is recommended that the path be something like "path/%/%/feed" or "path/%/%/rss.xml", putting one % in the path for each contextual filter you have defined in the view.'); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { parent::submitOptionsForm($form, $form_state); $section = $form_state->get('section'); switch ($section) { case 'title': $this->setOption('sitename_title', $form_state->getValue('sitename_title')); break; case 'displays': $this->setOption($section, $form_state->getValue($section)); break; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function attachTo(ViewExecutable $clone, $display_id, array &$build) { $displays = $this->getOption('displays'); if (empty($displays[$display_id])) { return; } // Defer to the feed style; it may put in meta information, and/or // attach a feed icon. $clone->setArguments($this->view->args); $clone->setDisplay($this->display['id']); $clone->buildTitle(); if ($plugin = $clone->display_handler->getPlugin('style')) { $plugin->attachTo($build, $display_id, $clone->getUrl(), $clone->getTitle()); foreach ($clone->feedIcons as $feed_icon) { $this->view->feedIcons[] = $feed_icon; } } // Clean up. $clone->destroy(); unset($clone); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function usesLinkDisplay() { return TRUE; } }