drupalCreateContentType(); // Add three nodes, one containing the word "pizza", one containing // "sandwich", and one containing "cola is good with pizza". Make the // second node link to the first. $node['title'] = 'pizza'; $node['body'] = [['value' => 'pizza']]; $node['type'] = $type->id(); $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $this->drupalGet('node/1'); $node_url = $this->getUrl(); $node['title'] = 'sandwich'; $node['body'] = [['value' => 'sandwich with a link to first node']]; $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $node['title'] = 'cola'; $node['body'] = [['value' => 'cola is good with pizza']]; $node['type'] = $type->id(); $this->drupalCreateNode($node); // Run cron so that the search index tables are updated. $this->cronRun(); // Test the various views filters by visiting their pages. // These are in the test view 'test_search', and they just display the // titles of the nodes in the result, as links. // Page with a keyword filter of 'pizza'. $this->drupalGet('test-filter'); $this->assertLink('pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('sandwich'); $this->assertLink('cola'); // Page with a keyword argument, various argument values. // Verify that the correct nodes are shown, and only once. $this->drupalGet('test-arg/pizza'); $this->assertOneLink('pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('cola'); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/sandwich'); $this->assertNoLink('pizza'); $this->assertOneLink('sandwich'); $this->assertNoLink('cola'); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/pizza OR sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('pizza'); $this->assertOneLink('sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('cola'); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/pizza sandwich OR cola'); $this->assertNoLink('pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('cola'); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/cola pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('cola'); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/"cola is good"'); $this->assertNoLink('pizza'); $this->assertNoLink('sandwich'); $this->assertOneLink('cola'); // Test sorting. $node = [ 'title' => "Drupal's search rocks.", 'type' => $type->id(), ]; $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $node['title'] = "Drupal's search rocks really rocks!"; $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $this->cronRun(); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/rocks'); $xpath = '//div[@class="views-row"]//a'; /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement[] $results */ $results = $this->xpath($xpath); $this->assertEqual($results[0]->getText(), "Drupal's search rocks really rocks!"); $this->assertEqual($results[1]->getText(), "Drupal's search rocks."); $this->assertEscaped("Drupal's search rocks really rocks!"); // Test sorting with another set of titles. $node = [ 'title' => "Testing one two two two", 'type' => $type->id(), ]; $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $node['title'] = "Testing one one one"; $this->drupalCreateNode($node); $this->cronRun(); $this->drupalGet('test-arg/one'); $xpath = '//div[@class="views-row"]//a'; /** @var \SimpleXMLElement[] $results */ $results = $this->xpath($xpath); $this->assertEqual($results[0]->getText(), "Testing one one one"); $this->assertEqual($results[1]->getText(), "Testing one two two two"); } /** * Asserts that exactly one link exists with the given text. * * @param string $label * Link label to assert. * * @return bool * TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function assertOneLink($label) { $links = $this->xpath('//a[normalize-space(text())=:label]', [':label' => $label]); $message = new FormattableMarkup('Link with label %label found once.', ['%label' => $label]); return $this->assert(isset($links[0]) && !isset($links[1]), $message); } }