drupalGet($row_plugin_url); $this->assertFieldByName('row[type]', 'fields', 'The default row plugin selected in the UI should be fields.'); $edit = [ 'row[type]' => 'test_row' ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply')); $this->assertFieldByName('row_options[test_option]', NULL, 'Make sure the custom settings form from the test plugin appears.'); $random_name = $this->randomMachineName(); $edit = [ 'row_options[test_option]' => $random_name ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply')); $this->drupalGet($row_options_url); $this->assertFieldByName('row_options[test_option]', $random_name, 'Make sure the custom settings form field has the expected value stored.'); $this->drupalPostForm($view_edit_url, [], t('Save')); $this->assertLink(t('Test row plugin'), 0, 'Make sure the test row plugin is shown in the UI'); $view = Views::getView($view_name); $view->initDisplay(); $row = $view->display_handler->getOption('row'); $this->assertEqual($row['type'], 'test_row', 'Make sure that the test_row got saved as used row plugin.'); $this->assertEqual($row['options']['test_option'], $random_name, 'Make sure that the custom settings field got saved as expected.'); // Change the row plugin to fields using ajax. // Note: this is the best approximation we can achieve, because we cannot // simulate the 'openDialog' command in // WebTestBase::drupalProcessAjaxResponse(), hence we have to make do. $row_plugin_url_ajax = str_replace('/nojs/', '/ajax/', $row_plugin_url); $ajax_settings = [ 'accepts' => 'application/vnd.drupal-ajax', 'submit' => [ '_triggering_element_name' => 'op', '_triggering_element_value' => 'Apply', ], 'url' => $row_plugin_url_ajax, ]; $this->drupalPostAjaxForm($row_plugin_url, ['row[type]' => 'fields'], NULL, $row_plugin_url_ajax, [], [], NULL, $ajax_settings); $this->drupalGet($row_plugin_url); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertFieldByName('row[type]', 'fields', 'Make sure that the fields got saved as used row plugin.'); // Ensure that entity row plugins appear. $view_name = 'content'; $row_plugin_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/display/$view_name/default/row"; $row_options_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/display/$view_name/default/row_options"; $this->drupalGet($row_plugin_url); $this->assertFieldByName('row[type]', 'entity:node'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, ['row[type]' => 'entity:node'], t('Apply')); $this->assertUrl($row_options_url); $this->assertFieldByName('row_options[view_mode]', 'teaser'); // Change the teaser label to have markup so we can test escaping. $teaser = EntityViewMode::load('node.teaser'); $teaser->set('label', 'Teaser markup'); $teaser->save(); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/frontpage/edit/default'); $this->assertEscaped('Teaser markup'); } }