randomMachineName(); $edit_path = "admin/structure/views/view/$view_name/edit"; $this->drupalPostForm($edit_path, [], t('Save'), ['query' => ['destination' => $random_destination]]); $this->assertUrl($random_destination, [], 'Make sure the user got redirected to the expected page defined in the destination.'); // Setup a view with a certain page display path. If you change the path // but have the old url in the destination the user should be redirected to // the new path. $view_name = 'test_redirect_view'; $new_path = $this->randomMachineName(); $edit_path = "admin/structure/views/view/$view_name/edit"; $path_edit_path = "admin/structure/views/nojs/display/$view_name/page_1/path"; $this->drupalPostForm($path_edit_path, ['path' => $new_path], t('Apply')); $this->drupalPostForm($edit_path, [], t('Save'), ['query' => ['destination' => 'test-redirect-view']]); $this->assertUrl($new_path, [], 'Make sure the user got redirected to the expected page after changing the URL of a page display.'); } }