aliasManager = $aliasManager; $this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager; $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler; $this->state = $state; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('path.alias_manager'), $container->get('entity_type.manager'), $container->get('module_handler'), $container->get('state') ); } /** * Imports default contents. */ public function importContent() { $this->importEditors() ->importArticles() ->importRecipes() ->importPages() ->importBlockContent(); } /** * Imports editors. * * Other users are created as their content is imported. However, editors * don't have their own content so are created here instead. * * @return $this */ protected function importEditors() { $user_storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user'); $editors = [ 'Margaret Hopper', 'Grace Hamilton', ]; foreach ($editors as $name) { $user = $user_storage->create([ 'name' => $name, 'status' => 1, 'roles' => ['editor'], 'mail' => mb_strtolower(str_replace(' ', '.', $name)) . '', ]); $user->enforceIsNew(); $user->save(); $this->storeCreatedContentUuids([$user->uuid() => 'user']); } return $this; } /** * Imports articles. * * @return $this */ protected function importArticles() { $module_path = $this->moduleHandler->getModule('demo_umami_content') ->getPath(); if (($handle = fopen($module_path . '/default_content/articles.csv', "r")) !== FALSE) { $uuids = []; $header = fgetcsv($handle); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { $data = array_combine($header, $data); // Prepare content. $values = [ 'type' => 'article', 'title' => $data['title'], 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]; // Fields mapping starts. // Set Body Field. if (!empty($data['body'])) { $body_path = $module_path . '/default_content/article_body/' . $data['body']; $body = file_get_contents($body_path); if ($body !== FALSE) { $values['body'] = [['value' => $body, 'format' => 'basic_html']]; } } // Set node alias if exists. if (!empty($data['slug'])) { $values['path'] = [['alias' => '/' . $data['slug']]]; } // Set field_tags if exists. if (!empty($data['tags'])) { $values['field_tags'] = []; $tags = explode(',', $data['tags']); foreach ($tags as $term) { $values['field_tags'][] = ['target_id' => $this->getTerm($term)]; } } // Set article author. if (!empty($data['author'])) { $values['uid'] = $this->getUser($data['author']); } // Set Image field. if (!empty($data['image'])) { $path = $module_path . '/default_content/images/' . $data['image']; $values['field_image'] = [ 'target_id' => $this->createFileEntity($path), 'alt' => $data['alt'], ]; } // Create Node. $node = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->create($values); $node->save(); $uuids[$node->uuid()] = 'node'; } $this->storeCreatedContentUuids($uuids); fclose($handle); } return $this; } /** * Imports recipes. * * @return $this */ protected function importRecipes() { $module_path = $this->moduleHandler->getModule('demo_umami_content')->getPath(); if (($handle = fopen($module_path . '/default_content/recipes.csv', "r")) !== FALSE) { $header = fgetcsv($handle); $uuids = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { $data = array_combine($header, $data); $values = [ 'type' => 'recipe', // Title field. 'title' => $data['title'], 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]; // Set article author. if (!empty($data['author'])) { $values['uid'] = $this->getUser($data['author']); } // Set node alias if exists. if (!empty($data['slug'])) { $values['path'] = [['alias' => '/' . $data['slug']]]; } // Set field_image field. if (!empty($data['image'])) { $image_path = $module_path . '/default_content/images/' . $data['image']; $values['field_image'] = [ 'target_id' => $this->createFileEntity($image_path), 'alt' => $data['alt'], ]; } // Set field_summary Field. if (!empty($data['summary'])) { $values['field_summary'] = [['value' => $data['summary'], 'format' => 'basic_html']]; } // Set field_recipe_category if exists. if (!empty($data['recipe_category'])) { $values['field_recipe_category'] = []; $tags = array_filter(explode(',', $data['recipe_category'])); foreach ($tags as $term) { $values['field_recipe_category'][] = ['target_id' => $this->getTerm($term, 'recipe_category')]; } } // Set field_preparation_time Field. if (!empty($data['preparation_time'])) { $values['field_preparation_time'] = [['value' => $data['preparation_time']]]; } // Set field_cooking_time Field. if (!empty($data['cooking_time'])) { $values['field_cooking_time'] = [['value' => $data['cooking_time']]]; } // Set field_difficulty Field. if (!empty($data['difficulty'])) { $values['field_difficulty'] = $data['difficulty']; } // Set field_number_of_servings Field. if (!empty($data['number_of_servings'])) { $values['field_number_of_servings'] = [['value' => $data['number_of_servings']]]; } // Set field_ingredients Field. if (!empty($data['ingredients'])) { $ingredients = explode(',', $data['ingredients']); $values['field_ingredients'] = []; foreach ($ingredients as $ingredient) { $values['field_ingredients'][] = ['value' => $ingredient]; } } // Set field_recipe_instruction Field. if (!empty($data['recipe_instruction'])) { $recipe_instruction_path = $module_path . '/default_content/recipe_instructions/' . $data['recipe_instruction']; $recipe_instructions = file_get_contents($recipe_instruction_path); if ($recipe_instructions !== FALSE) { $values['field_recipe_instruction'] = [['value' => $recipe_instructions, 'format' => 'basic_html']]; } } // Set field_tags if exists. if (!empty($data['tags'])) { $values['field_tags'] = []; $tags = array_filter(explode(',', $data['tags'])); foreach ($tags as $term) { $values['field_tags'][] = ['target_id' => $this->getTerm($term)]; } } $node = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->create($values); $node->save(); $uuids[$node->uuid()] = 'node'; } $this->storeCreatedContentUuids($uuids); fclose($handle); } return $this; } /** * Imports pages. * * @return $this */ protected function importPages() { if (($handle = fopen($this->moduleHandler->getModule('demo_umami_content')->getPath() . '/default_content/pages.csv', "r")) !== FALSE) { $headers = fgetcsv($handle); $uuids = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { $data = array_combine($headers, $data); // Prepare content. $values = [ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => $data['title'], 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]; // Fields mapping starts. // Set Body Field. if (!empty($data['body'])) { $values['body'] = [['value' => $data['body'], 'format' => 'basic_html']]; } // Set node alias if exists. if (!empty($data['slug'])) { $values['path'] = [['alias' => '/' . $data['slug']]]; } // Set article author. if (!empty($data['author'])) { $values['uid'] = $this->getUser($data['author']); } // Create Node. $node = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->create($values); $node->save(); $uuids[$node->uuid()] = 'node'; } $this->storeCreatedContentUuids($uuids); fclose($handle); } return $this; } /** * Imports block content entities. * * @return $this */ protected function importBlockContent() { $module_path = $this->moduleHandler->getModule('demo_umami_content')->getPath(); $block_content_entities = [ 'umami_recipes_banner' => [ 'uuid' => '4c7d58a3-a45d-412d-9068-259c57e40541', 'info' => 'Umami Recipes Banner', 'type' => 'banner_block', 'field_title' => [ 'value' => 'Super easy vegetarian pasta bake', ], 'field_content_link' => [ 'uri' => 'internal:' . call_user_func(function () { $nodes = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->loadByProperties(['title' => 'Super easy vegetarian pasta bake']); $node = reset($nodes); return $this->aliasManager->getAliasByPath('/node/' . $node->id()); }), 'title' => 'Super easy vegetarian pasta bake', ], 'field_summary' => [ 'value' => 'A wholesome pasta bake is the ultimate comfort food. This delicious bake is super quick to prepare and an ideal midweek meal for all the family.', ], 'field_banner_image' => [ 'target_id' => $this->createFileEntity($module_path . '/default_content/images/veggie-pasta-bake-hero-umami.jpg'), 'alt' => 'Mouth watering vegetarian pasta bake with rich tomato sauce and cheese toppings', ], ], 'umami_disclaimer' => [ 'uuid' => '9b4dcd67-99f3-48d0-93c9-2c46648b29de', 'info' => 'Umami disclaimer', 'type' => 'disclaimer_block', 'field_disclaimer' => [ 'value' => 'Umami Magazine & Umami Publications is a fictional magazine and publisher for illustrative purposes only.', 'format' => 'basic_html', ], 'field_copyright' => [ 'value' => '© 2018 Terms & Conditions', 'format' => 'basic_html', ], ], 'umami_footer_promo' => [ 'uuid' => '924ab293-8f5f-45a1-9c7f-2423ae61a241', 'info' => 'Umami footer promo', 'type' => 'footer_promo_block', 'field_title' => [ 'value' => 'Umami Food Magazine', ], 'field_summary' => [ 'value' => 'Skills and know-how. Magazine exclusive articles, recipes and plenty of reasons to get your copy today.', ], 'field_content_link' => [ 'uri' => 'internal:' . call_user_func(function () { $nodes = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->loadByProperties(['title' => 'About Umami']); $node = reset($nodes); return $this->aliasManager->getAliasByPath('/node/' . $node->id()); }), 'title' => 'Find out more', ], 'field_promo_image' => [ 'target_id' => $this->createFileEntity($module_path . '/default_content/images/umami-bundle.png'), 'alt' => '3 issue bundle of the Umami food magazine', ], ], ]; // Create block content. foreach ($block_content_entities as $values) { $block_content = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('block_content')->create($values); $block_content->save(); $this->storeCreatedContentUuids([$block_content->uuid() => 'block_content']); } return $this; } /** * Deletes any content imported by this module. * * @return $this */ public function deleteImportedContent() { $uuids = $this->state->get('demo_umami_content_uuids', []); $by_entity_type = array_reduce(array_keys($uuids), function ($carry, $uuid) use ($uuids) { $entity_type_id = $uuids[$uuid]; $carry[$entity_type_id][] = $uuid; return $carry; }, []); foreach ($by_entity_type as $entity_type_id => $entity_uuids) { $storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type_id); $entities = $storage->loadByProperties(['uuid' => $entity_uuids]); $storage->delete($entities); } return $this; } /** * Looks up a user by name, if it is missing the user is created. * * @param string $name * Username. * * @return int * User ID. */ protected function getUser($name) { $user_storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user'); $users = $user_storage->loadByProperties(['name' => $name]);; if (empty($users)) { // Creating user without any password. $user = $user_storage->create([ 'name' => $name, 'status' => 1, 'roles' => ['author'], 'mail' => mb_strtolower(str_replace(' ', '.', $name)) . '', ]); $user->enforceIsNew(); $user->save(); $this->storeCreatedContentUuids([$user->uuid() => 'user']); return $user->id(); } $user = reset($users); return $user->id(); } /** * Looks up a term by name, if it is missing the term is created. * * @param string $term_name * Term name. * @param string $vocabulary_id * Vocabulary ID. * * @return int * Term ID. */ protected function getTerm($term_name, $vocabulary_id = 'tags') { $term_name = trim($term_name); $term_storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('taxonomy_term'); $terms = $term_storage->loadByProperties([ 'name' => $term_name, 'vid' => $vocabulary_id, ]); if (!$terms) { $term = $term_storage->create([ 'name' => $term_name, 'vid' => $vocabulary_id, 'path' => ['alias' => '/' . Html::getClass($vocabulary_id) . '/' . Html::getClass($term_name)], ]); $term->save(); $this->storeCreatedContentUuids([$term->uuid() => 'taxonomy_term']); return $term->id(); } $term = reset($terms); return $term->id(); } /** * Creates a file entity based on an image path. * * @param string $path * Image path. * * @return int * File ID. */ protected function createFileEntity($path) { $uri = $this->fileUnmanagedCopy($path); $file = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('file')->create([ 'uri' => $uri, 'status' => 1, ]); $file->save(); $this->storeCreatedContentUuids([$file->uuid() => 'file']); return $file->id(); } /** * Stores record of content entities created by this import. * * @param array $uuids * Array of UUIDs where the key is the UUID and the value is the entity * type. */ protected function storeCreatedContentUuids(array $uuids) { $uuids = $this->state->get('demo_umami_content_uuids', []) + $uuids; $this->state->set('demo_umami_content_uuids', $uuids); } /** * Wrapper around file_unmanaged_copy(). * * @param string $path * Path to image. * * @return string|false * The path to the new file, or FALSE in the event of an error. */ protected function fileUnmanagedCopy($path) { $filename = basename($path); return file_unmanaged_copy($path, 'public://' . $filename, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); } }