setupBaseUrl(); $this->prepareDatabasePrefix(); // Install Drupal test site. $this->prepareEnvironment(); // Define information about the user 1 account. $this->rootUser = new UserSession([ 'uid' => 1, 'name' => 'admin', 'mail' => '', 'pass_raw' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]); // If any $settings are defined for this test, copy and prepare an actual // settings.php, so as to resemble a regular installation. if (!empty($this->settings)) { // Not using File API; a potential error must trigger a PHP warning. copy(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->siteDirectory . '/settings.php'); $this->writeSettings($this->settings); } // Note that FunctionalTestSetupTrait::installParameters() returns form // input values suitable for a programmed // \Drupal::formBuilder()->submitForm(). // @see InstallerTestBase::translatePostValues() $this->parameters = $this->installParameters(); // Set up a minimal container (required by BrowserTestBase). Set cookie and // server information so that XDebug works. // @see install_begin_request() $request = Request::create($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/core/install.php', 'GET', [], $_COOKIE, [], $_SERVER); $this->container = new ContainerBuilder(); $request_stack = new RequestStack(); $request_stack->push($request); $this->container ->set('request_stack', $request_stack); $this->container ->setParameter('language.default_values', Language::$defaultValues); $this->container ->register('language.default', 'Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageDefault') ->addArgument('%language.default_values%'); $this->container ->register('string_translation', 'Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationManager') ->addArgument(new Reference('language.default')); $this->container ->register('http_client', 'GuzzleHttp\Client') ->setFactory('http_client_factory:fromOptions'); $this->container ->register('http_client_factory', 'Drupal\Core\Http\ClientFactory') ->setArguments([new Reference('http_handler_stack')]); $handler_stack = HandlerStack::create(); $test_http_client_middleware = new TestHttpClientMiddleware(); $handler_stack->push($test_http_client_middleware(), 'test.http_client.middleware'); $this->container ->set('http_handler_stack', $handler_stack); $this->container ->set('app.root', DRUPAL_ROOT); \Drupal::setContainer($this->container); // Setup Mink. $this->initMink(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function initMink() { // The temporary files directory doesn't exist yet, as install_base_system() // has not run. We need to create the template cache directory recursively. $path = $this->tempFilesDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'browsertestbase-templatecache'; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, TRUE); } parent::initMink(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * BrowserTestBase::refreshVariables() tries to operate on persistent storage, * which is only available after the installer completed. */ protected function refreshVariables() { // Intentionally empty as the site is not yet installed. } /** * Tests a warning message is displayed when the Umami profile is selected. */ public function testUmamiProfileWarningMessage() { $this->drupalGet($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/core/install.php'); $edit = [ 'langcode' => 'en', ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save and continue'); $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $warning_message = $page->find('css', '.description .messages--warning'); $this->assertFalse($warning_message->isVisible()); $page->selectFieldOption('profile', 'demo_umami'); $this->assertTrue($warning_message->isVisible()); } }