randomMachineName(); file_put_contents($filepath, ''); // Delete the file. $this->assertTrue(file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($filepath), 'Function reported success.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($filepath), 'Test file has been deleted.'); } /** * Try deleting an empty directory. */ public function testEmptyDirectory() { // A directory to operate on. $directory = $this->createDirectory(); // Delete the directory. $this->assertTrue(file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($directory), 'Function reported success.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($directory), 'Directory has been deleted.'); } /** * Try deleting a directory with some files. */ public function testDirectory() { // A directory to operate on. $directory = $this->createDirectory(); $filepathA = $directory . '/A'; $filepathB = $directory . '/B'; file_put_contents($filepathA, ''); file_put_contents($filepathB, ''); // Delete the directory. $this->assertTrue(file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($directory), 'Function reported success.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($filepathA), 'Test file A has been deleted.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($filepathB), 'Test file B has been deleted.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($directory), 'Directory has been deleted.'); } /** * Try deleting subdirectories with some files. */ public function testSubDirectory() { // A directory to operate on. $directory = $this->createDirectory(); $subdirectory = $this->createDirectory($directory . '/sub'); $filepathA = $directory . '/A'; $filepathB = $subdirectory . '/B'; file_put_contents($filepathA, ''); file_put_contents($filepathB, ''); // Delete the directory. $this->assertTrue(file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($directory), 'Function reported success.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($filepathA), 'Test file A has been deleted.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($filepathB), 'Test file B has been deleted.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($subdirectory), 'Subdirectory has been deleted.'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($directory), 'Directory has been deleted.'); } }