'bar', 'id' => 'schnitzel', 'ponies' => ['nope', 'thanks'], 'how' => [ 'about' => 'if', 'i' => 'ask', 'nicely', ], 'the' => [ 'answer' => [ 'still' => 'would', 'be' => 'Y', ], ], 'how_many_times' => 123, 'should_i_ask' => FALSE, 1, FALSE, [1, FALSE], [10], [0 => '123456'], ], [NULL] ]; } /** * Some data that should be able to be de-serialized. */ public function providerDecodeTests() { $data = [ // NULL files. ['', NULL], ["\n", NULL], ["---\n...\n", NULL], // Node anchors. [ " jquery.ui: version: &jquery_ui 1.10.2 jquery.ui.accordion: version: *jquery_ui ", [ 'jquery.ui' => [ 'version' => '1.10.2', ], 'jquery.ui.accordion' => [ 'version' => '1.10.2', ], ], ], ]; // 1.2 Bool values. foreach ($this->providerBoolTest() as $test) { $data[] = ['bool: ' . $test[0], ['bool' => $test[1]]]; } $data = array_merge($data, $this->providerBoolTest()); return $data; } /** * Tests different boolean serialization and de-serialization. */ public function providerBoolTest() { return [ ['true', TRUE], ['TRUE', TRUE], ['True', TRUE], ['y', 'y'], ['Y', 'Y'], ['false', FALSE], ['FALSE', FALSE], ['False', FALSE], ['n', 'n'], ['N', 'N'], ]; } }