advanced_help = $advanced_help; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('plugin.manager.advanced_help') ); } /** * Content. * * @todo Implement search integration. * @return array * Returns module index. */ public function main() { $topics = $this->advanced_help->getTopics(); $settings = $this->advanced_help->getSettings(); // Print a module index. $modules = $this->advanced_help->getModuleList(); asort($modules); $items = []; foreach ($modules as $module => $module_name) { if (!empty($topics[$module]) && empty($settings[$module]['hide'])) { if (isset($settings[$module]['index name'])) { $name = $settings[$module]['index name']; } elseif (isset($settings[$module]['name'])) { $name = $settings[$module]['name']; } else { $name = $this->t($module_name); } $items[] = $this->l($name, new Url('advanced_help.module_index', ['module' => $module])); } } return [ 'help_modules' => [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#title' => $this->t('Module help index'), ] ]; } /** * Build a hierarchy for a single module's topics. * * @param $topics array. * @return array. */ private function getTopicHierarchy($topics) { foreach ($topics as $module => $module_topics) { foreach ($module_topics as $topic => $info) { $parent_module = $module; // We have a blank topic that we don't want parented to itself. if (!$topic) { continue; } if (empty($info['parent'])) { $parent = ''; } elseif (strpos($info['parent'], '%')) { list($parent_module, $parent) = explode('%', $info['parent']); if (empty($topics[$parent_module][$parent])) { // If it doesn't exist, top level. $parent = ''; } } else { $parent = $info['parent']; if (empty($module_topics[$parent])) { // If it doesn't exist, top level. $parent = ''; } } if (!isset($topics[$parent_module][$parent]['children'])) { $topics[$parent_module][$parent]['children'] = []; } $topics[$parent_module][$parent]['children'][] = [$module, $topic]; $topics[$module][$topic]['_parent'] = [$parent_module, $parent]; } } return $topics; } /** * Helper function to sort topics. * @param string $id_a * @param string $id_b * @return mixed */ private function helpUasort($id_a, $id_b) { $topics = $this->advanced_help->getTopics(); list($module_a, $topic_a) = $id_a; $a = $topics[$module_a][$topic_a]; list($module_b, $topic_b) = $id_b; $b = $topics[$module_b][$topic_b]; $a_weight = isset($a['weight']) ? $a['weight'] : 0; $b_weight = isset($b['weight']) ? $b['weight'] : 0; if ($a_weight != $b_weight) { return ($a_weight < $b_weight) ? -1 : 1; } if ($a['title'] != $b['title']) { return ($a['title'] < $b['title']) ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } /** * Build a tree of advanced help topics. * * @param array $topics * Topics. * @param array $topic_ids * Topic Ids. * @param int $max_depth * Maximum depth for subtopics. * @param int $depth * Default depth for subtopics. * * @return array * Returns list of topics/subtopics. */ private function getTree($topics, $topic_ids, $max_depth = -1, $depth = 0) { uasort($topic_ids, [$this, 'helpUasort']); $items = []; foreach ($topic_ids as $info) { list($module, $topic) = $info; $item = $this->l($topics[$module][$topic]['title'], new Url('', ['module' => $module, 'topic' => $topic])); if (!empty($topics[$module][$topic]['children']) && ($max_depth == -1 || $depth < $max_depth)) { $link = [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => advanced_help_get_tree($topics, $topics[$module][$topic]['children'], $max_depth, $depth + 1), ]; $item .= \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($link, FALSE); } $items[] = $item; } return $items; } public function moduleIndex($module) { $topics = $this->advanced_help->getTopics(); if (empty($topics[$module])) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } $topics = $this->getTopicHierarchy($topics); $items = $this->getTree($topics, $topics[$module]['']['children']); return [ 'index' => [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, ] ]; } /** * Set the name of the module in the index page. * * @param string $module Module name * @return string */ public function moduleIndexTitle($module) { return $this->advanced_help->getModuleName($module) . ' help index'; } public function topicPage(Request $request, $module, $topic) { $is_modal = ($request->query->get(MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT) === 'drupal_modal'); $info = $this->advanced_help->getTopic($module, $topic); if (!$info) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } $parent = $info; $pmodule = $module; // Loop checker. $checked = []; while (!empty($parent['parent'])) { if (strpos($parent['parent'], '%')) { list($pmodule, $ptopic) = explode('%', $parent['parent']); } else { $ptopic = $parent['parent']; } if (!empty($checked[$pmodule][$ptopic])) { break; } $checked[$pmodule][$ptopic] = TRUE; $parent = $this->advanced_help->getTopic($pmodule, $ptopic); if (!$parent) { break; } } $build = $this->viewTopic($module, $topic, $is_modal); if (empty($build['#markup'])) { $build['#markup'] = $this->t('Missing help topic.'); } $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'advanced_help/help'; return $build; } /** * Load and render a help topic. * * @param string $module * Name of the module. * @param string $topic * Name of the topic. * @todo port the drupal_alter functionality. * * @return string * Returns formatted topic. */ public function viewTopic($module, $topic, $is_modal = false) { $file_info = $this->advanced_help->getTopicFileInfo($module, $topic); if ($file_info) { $info = $this->advanced_help->getTopic($module, $topic); $file = "{$file_info['path']}/{$file_info['file']}"; $build = [ '#type' => 'markup', ]; if (!empty($info['css'])) { $build['#attached']['library'][] = $info['module'] . '/' . $info['css']; } $build['#markup'] = file_get_contents($file); if (isset($info['readme file']) && $info['readme file']) { $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ('md' == $ext) { $build['#markup'] = '
' . Xss::filterAdmin(MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($build['#markup'])) . '
'; } return $build; } // Change 'topic:' to the URL for another help topic. preg_match('/&topic:([^"]+)&/', $build['#markup'], $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && preg_match('/[\w\-]\/[\w\-]+/', $matches[1])) { list($umodule, $utopic) = explode('/', $matches[1]); $path = new Url('', ['module' => $umodule, 'topic' => $utopic]); $build['#markup'] = preg_replace('/&topic:([^"]+)&/', $path->toString(), $build['#markup']); } global $base_path; // Change 'path:' to the URL to the base help directory. $build['#markup'] = str_replace('&path&', $base_path . $info['path'] . '/', $build['#markup']); // Change 'trans_path:' to the URL to the actual help directory. $build['#markup'] = str_replace('&trans_path&', $base_path . $file_info['path'] . '/', $build['#markup']); // Change 'base_url:' to the URL to the site. $build['#markup'] = preg_replace('/&base_url&([^"]+)"/', $base_path . '$1' . '"', $build['#markup']); // Run the line break filter if requested. if (!empty($info['line break'])) { // Remove the header since it adds an extra
to the filter. $build['#markup'] = preg_replace('/^\n/', '', $build['#markup']); $build['#markup'] = _filter_autop($build['#markup']); } if (!empty($info['navigation']) && !$is_modal) { $topics = $this->advanced_help->getTopics(); $topics = $this->getTopicHierarchy($topics); if (!empty($topics[$module][$topic]['children'])) { $items = $this->getTree($topics, $topics[$module][$topic]['children']); $links = [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items ]; $build['#markup'] .= \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($links, FALSE); } list($parent_module, $parent_topic) = $topics[$module][$topic]['_parent']; if ($parent_topic) { $parent = $topics[$module][$topic]['_parent']; $up = new Url('', ['module' => $parent[0], 'topic' => $parent[1]]); } else { $up = new Url('advanced_help.module_index', ['module' => $module]); } $siblings = $topics[$parent_module][$parent_topic]['children']; uasort($siblings, [$this, 'helpUasort']); $prev = $next = NULL; $found = FALSE; foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { list($sibling_module, $sibling_topic) = $sibling; if ($found) { $next = $sibling; break; } if ($sibling_module == $module && $sibling_topic == $topic) { $found = TRUE; continue; } $prev = $sibling; } if ($prev || $up || $next) { $navigation = '
'; if ($prev) { $navigation .= $this->l('«« ' . $topics[$prev[0]][$prev[1]]['title'], new Url('', ['module' => $prev[0], 'topic' => $prev[1]], ['attributes' => ['class' => 'help-left']])); } if ($up) { $navigation .= $this->l($this->t('Up'), $up->setOption('attributes', ['class' => ($prev) ? 'help-up' : 'help-up-noleft'])); } if ($next) { $navigation .= $this->l($topics[$next[0]][$next[1]]['title'] . ' »»', new Url('', ['module' => $next[0], 'topic' => $next[1]], ['attributes' => ['class' => 'help-right']])); } $navigation .= '
'; $build['#markup'] .= $navigation; } } $build['#markup'] = '
' . $build['#markup'] . '
'; // drupal_alter('advanced_help_topic', $output, $popup); return $build; } } /** * Set the title of the topic. * @param $module * @param $topic * @return string */ public function topicPageTitle($module, $topic) { $info = $this->advanced_help->getTopic($module, $topic); if (!$info) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } return $info['title']; } }