Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-24 ----------------------------- - Split BlazyDefault::imageSettings() into BlazyDefault::baseImageSettings(). - Added media_attributes to position media container properly with aspect ratio. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-19 ----------------------------- - A couple of cosmetic fixes. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-16 ----------------------------- - #2841316 by gausarts, tjwelde: User error: "item" is an invalid render array key. - #2843449 by gausarts, Jaesin: Consider adding `configure: blazy.settings` to .info.yml on blazy_ui Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-27 ----------------------------- - Fixed for broken grid when the theme has no CSS box-sizing rules. - Added blazy_settings_alter() to programtically alter settings prior to being processed by field formatters. - Added Object.assign to use modern native extend before fallback to custom. - #2838213 by gausarts: Use vanilla JS. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-20 ----------------------------- - Decoupled Views stuffs from Blazy into BlazyViews. - Simplified media switch player JS. - Fixed for schema error with double and float insanity at sub-modules. - Simplified Blazy::buildUrl() to remove image_style $modifier assumption, and let the actual extender use regular image_style override instead. GridStack and Mason should update this accordingly. - Added Media switcher "Image rendered by its formatter" option to render images as is for a special formatter with fieldable entities like Media, or Paragraphs formatters such as with Image Link Formatter. - Refined select #options conditions. - Removed some complex form states to use custom JS with CSS visibility instead. - Allowed disabling Aspect ratio option which is not relevant for fixed grids like Mason or GridStack. Alo image_style option such as with GridStack multi- image-style grids field formatters. - Decoupled iframe related attributes into Blazy::buildIframeAttributes(). Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-12 ----------------------------- - #2834759 by DuneBL: Allow missing image. - Decoupled base entity reference formatter without field supports into \Drupal\blazy\Dejavu\BlazyEntityBase to allow a simple ER formatter. - Added form--style- classes for easy decluterring of Blazy/ Slick form which is not easy with form states. - Changed library weights. - Moved Colorbox mobile dimension check outside the loop. - Updated blazy.admin.js to declutter options which are not properly managed by form states. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-09 ----------------------------- - Supported Media Entity to set dimensions once to reduce method calls. - Simplified BlazyManager::setDimensionsOnce() to support Media Entity, etc. - Cleaned out deprecated methods which were already merged into theme_blazy(): BlazyManager::getUrlBreakpoints() BlazyManager::getUrlDimensions() BlazyManager::getMediaSwitch() Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-07 ----------------------------- - Improved settings lightbox to reduce method calls for View fields, and Entity Browser plugins with tons of images. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-05 ----------------------------- - Fixed for coding standards. - Fixed for a few admin CSS for small device. - Fixed for settings lightbox due to old approach with boolean, not string. - Moved Grid settings from the first Grid item into theme_item_list() context. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-29 ----------------------------- - Marked it Beta5. - Renamed BlazyGrid::buildGrid() into BlazyGrid::build() Renamed BlazyLightbox::switchMedia() into BlazyLightbox::build() Both to get consistent with BlazyMedia::build(). - Moved Slick Video dimensions into BlazyVideoTrait as this is only used by Slick Video, not necessarily Blazy. - Moved Blazy #cache property back into BlazyManager to reduce complexity at preprocess since this is more module feature than custom code. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-28 ----------------------------- - Added BlazyGrid doc comments. - Cleaned up unused imports, and no-longer relevant stuffs. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-27 ----------------------------- - Fixed for fatal error with disconnected internet when ME Facebook kicks in, and resorted to static thumbnails to avoid broken displays instead. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-26 ----------------------------- - Added doc comments. - Added basic support for other media entity: Instagram, Twitter, etc. - Cleaned up variables. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-24 ----------------------------- - Removed unwanted [data-LIGHTBOX-gallery] attributes from Views wrapper when the Views style already supports Grid gallery, such as Blazy, Slick Browser, or Slick Views with Grid display. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-23 ----------------------------- - Decluttered Blazy form when Vanilla is enabled. - Added empty option for Blazy Views field for Lightbox image style. - Fixed 404 warning for when Video thumbnail is missing. - Cleaned out BlazyManager::buildDataBlazy() as top-level attributes cannot be inherited by child elements with irregular image sizes. This is now only relevant for CSS background since Blazy v1.6.0. - Fixed for Aspect ratio and Breakpoints options being disabled/invisible when Responsive image not installed. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-21 ----------------------------- - Cleaned up Entity Reference field options from less relevant options. If you need to bring them back, or clean out more, implement hook_blazy_excluded_field_options_alter(). The excluded fields: field_document_size field_id field_media_in_library field_mime_type field_source field_tweet_author field_tweet_id field_tweet_url field_media_video_embed_field field_instagram_shortcode field_instagram_url - Fixed for lightbox library. - Added Lightbox video style to replace Dimension option to allow swiping video lightbox such as PhotoSwipe. - Removed hook_NAMESPACE_image_alter() into hook_blazy_alter() to swap all Blazy-related image, including Slick, etc., once. - Fixed for duplicated grid__content class. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-17 ----------------------------- - Made lightboxes easier to extend. - Decoupled grid utilities into \Drupal\blazy\BlazyGrid. - Decoupled lightbox utilities into \Drupal\blazy\BlazyLightbox. - Added missing Lightbox image style for Views field. - Moved BlazyAdminFormatterBase::mediaSwitchForm() into BlazyAdminBase to re-use for Views fields outside field formatters. - Fixed for regression for when no Image style is provided. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-12 ----------------------------- - #2752865 by tjwelde, lilee, killua99: Support PICTURE element for the responsive image. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-10 ----------------------------- - Triggered packager. - Added Views style plugin Blazy Grid. - Added [data-blazy] attribute to Views container if having Blazy Views fields. - Fixed for Blazy regression being overriden by empty breakpoints. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-09 ----------------------------- - A few more cleanups. - #2825706 by mErilainen: Invalid translation language. - Removed unwanted Grid and Display style options from non-multi-value fields. - A few cleanups, typos, descriptions, etc. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-31 ----------------------------- - Added support for multi-breakpoint aspect ratio with irregular sizes. - Added blazy.column.css. - Optimized blazy.grid.css. - Added Display style to have a pure and simple CSS Masonry like grid display, and Grid Foundation from within Blazy formatters, not only Slick. - Moved grid form into BlazyAdminBase for re-usability by Blazy, not only Slick. - Added support for video colorbox. - Added colorbox video gallery support when using Blazy Views fields. - Fixed regression with numeric aspect ratio. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-25 ----------------------------- - Minified please. Never commit anything when you are tired. - Added optional "Blazy Image with Media" formatter to retain VEM/ME within image/file ER environment if VEM/ME is installed. - Added optional supports for Media Entity when using BlazyViewsFieldFile(). - Deprecated methods for clarity and to reduce road blocks to theme_blazy(): o BlazyManager::getUrlDimensions() for Blazy::buildUrl() o BlazyManager::getUrlBreakpoints() for Blazy::buildBreakpointAttributes() o BlazyManager::getDescriptors() for BlazyManager::widthFromDescriptors() - Decoupled Blazy service from BlazyManager to reduce complexity. This allows moving individual item methods into Blazy out of the BlazyManager so to use theme_blazy() doesn't need to travel around into BlazyManager::getImage(). - Updated blazy JS files. - Fixed for the new "Use CSS background" option with multi-serving images. - Moved Slick grid into Blazy to be re-usable for divities, not only list. - Moved Blazy Views field library to hook_views_pre_render() to reduce function calls. - Re-used Views field image and entity view builder approach for Slick Browser. - Added Twig block section for easy partial extensions, and reduce dups. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-29 ----------------------------- - Marked it Beta4. - Fixed for Twig indentation. - Fixed for Undefined index: in Drupal\blazy\Form\BlazyAdminFormatterBase->settingsSummary() (line 296 ... - Moved re-usable methods from BlazyEntityReferenceBase into BlazyEntityTrait. - Remove Twig spaceless. - Added optional Views field plugins for File and Media entity. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-07 ----------------------------- - Marked it Beta3. - Added "Use CSS background" option. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-05 ----------------------------- - Refined form elements and summaries. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-30 ----------------------------- - Added video support to the main background/stage for Slick Paragraphs which is normally image. - Fixed for BlazyAdminFormatterBase::getFieldOptions() target_type. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-29 ----------------------------- - Added lightbox captions and use CSS background options for Slick Media. - Made BlazyEntityReferenceBase::getOverlay() do something useful by default. - Added entity_type at BlazyEntityReferenceBase::getScopedFormElements(). - Fixed for VEF integration with failing thumbnail downloads. - Changed Cache option to No caching by default. - A few cleanups. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-27 ----------------------------- - #2778615 by DuneBL: A notice is popping up without image style. - Allowed a few reasonable HTML tags within H2.slide__title. - A few cleanups. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-03 ----------------------------- - #2768463 by chr.fritsch: Add libraries support. - Fixed for lightbox custom caption form states. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-07-15 ----------------------------- - #2766665 by gausarts: Support plain iframe. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-07-14 ----------------------------- - #2750823 by royal121: Schema errors with slick. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-27 ----------------------------- - Removed deprecated @file docblock as per [#2665992], [#2304909]. - Cleaned up options. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-16 ----------------------------- - Fixed for empty values at BlazyStylePluginBase::getFieldString(). - #2749071 by agx: Empty image alt with Responsive image. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-13 ----------------------------- - Added lightbox caption option. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-09 ----------------------------- - Fixed for .media--loading. - Fixed for Slick CSS background regression. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-08 ----------------------------- - Fixed for broken Responsive image. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-07 ----------------------------- - Removed the possessive CSS background taken over by Blazy, since Slick can now work with unslick CSS background. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-10 ----------------------------- - Added default sizes. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-09 ----------------------------- - Removed redundant Preloader option since the classes are within image containers. Maybe more reasonable for Views later which can text, images, etc. - Added support for non-lazyloaded images such as Slick carousel. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-07 ----------------------------- - Fixed for Overlays regression. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-06 ----------------------------- - #2719541 by gausarts, scoff: Fallback to default Media entity thumbnail when Main image empty. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-06 ----------------------------- - Fixed for broken Image to iframe switcher by previous updates. - #2719541 by gausarts, scoff: Fallback to default Media entity thumbnail when Main image empty. - Fixed for Undefined index: target_bundles when accessing Media entity field options from within Views UI. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-05 ----------------------------- - Issue #2716765: Map or rework breakpoints into srcset as per v1.6.0. - Removed Retina option since it is now possible with SRCSET descriptors. - Added aspect ratio support for multi-breakpoint images. - Made efficient blazy_preprocess_field(). Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-22 ----------------------------- - Fixed for media_iframe typo, should be media__iframe. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-11 ----------------------------- - Added support for entity_reference_entity_view and all slick formatters to be overlays/nested sliders such as from within Slick views. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-09 ----------------------------- - Added support for old video embed field's syntax with html_tag. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-08 ----------------------------- - Fixed for JS error. - A few cleanups. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-06 ----------------------------- - A couple of fixes. - Prepared optional supports for Video embed field. - Ported Lightbox video dimension option to fix for colorbox videos. - Added support for unmanaged file such as VEF. - Moved [data-thumb] out of IMG tag into .media container, since IMG is optional or can be removed when "Use CSS background" option is selected. This allows flexibility with Slick thumbnail hover/grid as well when the option is on. Affected: - blazy.photobox.min.js. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-04 ----------------------------- - Added support for video_embed_field via BlazyStylePluginBase. - Added support for overlay with nested slicks via BlazyStylePluginBase. - Added support to turn images into CSS background images. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-03 ----------------------------- - Added composer.json. - Prepared Media entity supports. - Added .js-media--ratio to solve hidden blazies such as Slick carousels within hidden containers/ Ultimenu regions. - Fixed for undefined index notices. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-31 ----------------------------- - A few cleanups and fixes with multiple blazy instances, etc. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-29 ----------------------------- - A few fixes with item class options, etc. - Added fallback for missing $settings['item_id']. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-28 ----------------------------- - Refined integration with sub-modules. - Moved generic method BlazyManager::buildSkins() BlazyManager::getHtmlId() into BlazyManagerBase. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-23 ----------------------------- - Added lazyload support for core Responsive image. - Moved a few Slick carousel goodness into this module: admin CSS, lightboxes and re-usable methods so that Slick carousel, Mason, GridStack can use them all from one place. - Added basic loading indicator to the lazyloaded elements. - Split library into core and custom JS loader. - Added blazy_ui.module. - Added basic stylings including aspect ratio CSS. - Added blazy services for re-usable methods across dependee modules. - Added own themes. - Added re-usable Traits and methods for dependee modules. - Added a scope to a more limited container using [data-blazy] attribute to get consistent with the supported field formatters. - Added retina support. - Added responsive multi-serving images options. - Added supports for the image and colorbox/photobox. - Added basic configuration. Blazy 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-19 ----------------------------- Initial commit.