# @file # .travis.yml - Drupal for Travis CI Integration # # Template provided by https://github.com/LionsAd/drupal_ti. # # Based for simpletest upon: # https://github.com/sonnym/travis-ci-drupal-module-example language: php sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache php: - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7 matrix: fast_finish: true branches: only: - "8.x-1.x" env: global: # add composer's global bin directory to the path # see: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush#install---composer - PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" # Configuration variables. - DRUPAL_TI_MODULE_NAME="dropzonejs" - DRUPAL_TI_SIMPLETEST_GROUP="dropzonejs" # Define runners and environment vars to include before and after the # main runners / environment vars. #- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_BEFORE="./drupal_ti/before" #- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_AFTER="./drupal_ti/after" # The environment to use, supported are: drupal-7, drupal-8 - DRUPAL_TI_ENVIRONMENT="drupal-8" # Drupal specific variables. - DRUPAL_TI_DB="drupal_travis_db" - DRUPAL_TI_DB_URL="mysql://root:@" # Note: Do not add a trailing slash here. - DRUPAL_TI_WEBSERVER_URL="" - DRUPAL_TI_WEBSERVER_PORT="8080" # Simpletest specific commandline arguments, the DRUPAL_TI_SIMPLETEST_GROUP is appended at the end. - DRUPAL_TI_SIMPLETEST_ARGS="--verbose --color --concurrency 4 --url $DRUPAL_TI_WEBSERVER_URL:$DRUPAL_TI_WEBSERVER_PORT" # === Behat specific variables. # This is relative to $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # - DRUPAL_TI_BEHAT_DIR="./tests/behat" # These arguments are passed to the bin/behat command. # - DRUPAL_TI_BEHAT_ARGS="" # Specify the filename of the behat.yml with the $DRUPAL_TI_DRUPAL_DIR variables. # - DRUPAL_TI_BEHAT_YML="behat.yml.dist" # This is used to setup Xvfb. # - DRUPAL_TI_BEHAT_SCREENSIZE_COLOR="1280x1024x16" # The version of seleniumthat should be used. # - DRUPAL_TI_BEHAT_SELENIUM_VERSION="2.44" # PHPUnit specific commandline arguments. - DRUPAL_TI_PHPUNIT_ARGS="" # Code coverage via coveralls.io - DRUPAL_TI_COVERAGE="satooshi/php-coveralls:0.6.*" # This needs to match your .coveralls.yml file. - DRUPAL_TI_COVERAGE_FILE="build/logs/clover.xml" # Debug options #- DRUPAL_TI_DEBUG="-x -v" # Set to "all" to output all files, set to e.g. "xvfb selenium" or "selenium", # etc. to only output those channels. #- DRUPAL_TI_DEBUG_FILE_OUTPUT="selenium xvfb webserver" matrix: # [[[ SELECT ANY OR MORE OPTIONS ]]] #- DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="phpunit" #- DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="simpletest" #- DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="behat" #- DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="phpunit simpletest behat" - DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="phpunit-core" mysql: database: drupal_travis_db username: root encoding: utf8 before_install: - composer self-update - composer global require "lionsad/drupal_ti:1.*" - drupal-ti before_install # Codesniffer and Coder - composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer - composer global require drupal/coder - ln -s ~/.composer/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal ~/.composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/ install: - drupal-ti install before_script: - drupal-ti --include drupal_ti/.travis-before_script.sh - drupal-ti before_script script: - drupal-ti --include drupal_ti/.travis-phpcs.sh - export SIMPLETEST_DB=mysql://root:@; drupal-ti script after_script: - drupal-ti after_script