entity_browser.browser.widget.dropzonejs: type: mapping label: 'DropzoneJS widget configuration' mapping: submit_text: type: string label: 'Submit button text' auto_select: type: boolean label: 'Automatically submit selection' upload_location: type: string label: 'Upload location' dropzone_description: type: string label: 'Dropzone drag-n-drop zone text' max_filesize: type: string label: 'Maximum size of files' extensions: type: string label: 'Allowed file extensions' clientside_resize: type: boolean label: 'Use clientside resize' resize_width: type: integer label: 'Maximum width' resize_height: type: integer label: 'Maximum height' resize_quality: type: float label: 'Resize quality' resize_method: type: string label: 'Method used for resizing' thumbnail_method: type: string label: 'Method used for generating the thumbnail' entity_browser.browser.widget.dropzonejs_media_entity: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.dropzonejs label: 'Media Entity DropzoneJS widget configuration' mapping: media_type: type: string label: 'Media type' entity_browser.browser.widget.dropzonejs_media_entity_inline_entity_form: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.dropzonejs_media_entity label: 'Media Entity DropzoneJS with edit widget configuration' mapping: form_mode: type: string label: 'Form mode'