$table_data) { // Add a relationship to the target entity type. $target_entity_type_id = $field_storage->getSetting('target_type'); $target_entity_type = $entity_manager->getDefinition($target_entity_type_id); $entity_type_id = $field_storage->getTargetEntityTypeId(); $entity_type = $entity_manager->getDefinition($entity_type_id); $target_base_table = $target_entity_type->getDataTable() ?: $target_entity_type->getBaseTable(); $field_name = $field_storage->getName(); // Provide a relationship for the entity type with the entity reference // revisions field. $args = array( '@label' => $target_entity_type->getLabel(), '@field_name' => $field_name, ); $data[$table_name][$field_name]['relationship'] = array( 'title' => t('@label referenced from @field_name', $args), 'label' => t('@field_name: @label', $args), 'group' => $entity_type->getLabel(), 'help' => t('Appears in: @bundles.', array('@bundles' => implode(', ', $field_storage->getBundles()))), 'id' => 'standard', 'base' => $target_base_table, 'entity type' => $target_entity_type_id, 'base field' => $target_entity_type->getKey('revision'), 'relationship field' => $field_name . '_target_revision_id', ); // Provide a reverse relationship for the entity type that is referenced by // the field. $args['@entity'] = $entity_type->getLabel(); $args['@label'] = $target_entity_type->getLowercaseLabel(); $pseudo_field_name = 'reverse__' . $entity_type_id . '__' . $field_name; /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\DefaultTableMapping $table_mapping */ $table_mapping = $entity_manager->getStorage($entity_type_id)->getTableMapping(); $data[$target_base_table][$pseudo_field_name]['relationship'] = array( 'title' => t('@entity using @field_name', $args), 'label' => t('@field_name', array('@field_name' => $field_name)), 'group' => $target_entity_type->getLabel(), 'help' => t('Relate each @entity with a @field_name set to the @label.', $args), 'id' => 'entity_reverse', 'base' => $entity_type->getDataTable() ?: $entity_type->getBaseTable(), 'entity_type' => $entity_type_id, 'base field' => $entity_type->getKey('revision'), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'field table' => $table_mapping->getDedicatedDataTableName($field_storage), 'field field' => $field_name . '_target_revision_id', 'join_extra' => array( array( 'field' => 'deleted', 'value' => 0, 'numeric' => TRUE, ), ), ); } return $data; }