[ 'variables' => ['data' => NULL], 'file' => 'hacked.report.inc', ], 'hacked_project_summary' => [ 'variables' => ['project' => NULL], 'file' => 'hacked.report.inc', ], 'hacked_detailed_report' => [ 'variables' => ['project' => NULL], 'file' => 'hacked.details.inc', ], 'hacked_file_status' => [ 'variables' => ['file' => NULL], 'file' => 'hacked.details.inc', ], ]; } /** * Sort callback for sorting the projects in the report. */ function _hacked_project_report_sort_by_status($a, $b) { if ($a['status'] == $b['status']) { return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } else { return $a['status'] - $b['status']; } } /** * Determine if a file is a binary file. * * Taken from: http://www.ultrashock.com/forums/server-side/checking-if-a-file-is-binary-98391.html * and then tweaked in: http://drupal.org/node/760362. */ function hacked_file_is_binary($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (!is_file($file)) { return 0; } if (!is_readable($file)) { return 1; } $fh = fopen($file, "r"); $blk = fread($fh, 512); fclose($fh); clearstatcache(); return ( 0 or substr_count($blk, "^\r\n") / 512 > 0.3 or substr_count($blk, "^ -~") / 512 > 0.3 or substr_count($blk, "\x00") > 0 ); } return 0; } /** * Hacked! version of the core function, can return hidden files too. * * @param $dir * @param $mask * @param array $nomask * @param int $callback * @param bool|TRUE $recurse * @param string $key * @param int $min_depth * @param int $depth * @return array * * @see file_scan_directory(). */ function hacked_file_scan_directory($dir, $mask, $nomask = ['.', '..', 'CVS'], $callback = 0, $recurse = TRUE, $key = 'filename', $min_depth = 0, $depth = 0) { $key = (in_array($key, ['filename', 'basename', 'name']) ? $key : 'filename'); $files = []; if (is_dir($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (!in_array($file, $nomask)) { if (is_dir("$dir/$file") && $recurse) { // Give priority to files in this folder by merging them in after any subdirectory files. $files = array_merge(hacked_file_scan_directory("$dir/$file", $mask, $nomask, $callback, $recurse, $key, $min_depth, $depth + 1), $files); } elseif ($depth >= $min_depth && preg_match($mask, $file)) { // Always use this match over anything already set in $files with the same $$key. $filename = "$dir/$file"; $basename = basename($file); $name = substr($basename, 0, strrpos($basename, '.')); $files[$$key] = new stdClass(); $files[$$key]->filename = $filename; $files[$$key]->basename = $basename; $files[$$key]->name = $name; if (is_callable($callback)) { $callback($filename); } } } } closedir($handle); } return $files; } /** * Return the file hasher that is currently selected by the user. */ function hacked_get_file_hasher($name = NULL) { if (is_null($name)) { $name = \Drupal::config('hacked.settings')->get('selected_file_hasher'); } $hashers = hacked_get_file_hashers(); $class_name = $hashers[$name]['class']; return new $class_name; } /** * Gets all the file hashers defined. */ function hacked_get_file_hashers() { $hashers = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (is_null($hashers)) { $hashers = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('hacked_file_hashers_info'); \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('hacked_file_hashers_info', $hashers); } return $hashers; } /** * Implements hook_hacked_file_hashers_info(). */ function hacked_hacked_file_hashers_info() { $hashers = []; $hashers['hacked_ignore_line_endings'] = [ 'class' => '\Drupal\hacked\hackedFileIgnoreEndingsHasher', 'name' => t('Ignore line endings'), 'description' => t('When hashing files differences in line endings will be ignored. This might be useful if projects have been edited on a different platform than of the original author\'s. E.g. if a file has been opened and saved on Windows.'), ]; $hashers['hacked_include_line_endings'] = [ 'class' => '\Drupal\hacked\hackedFileIncludeEndingsHasher', 'name' => t('Include line endings'), 'description' => t('When hashing files differences in line endings will be included.'), ]; return $hashers; }