moduleExists('entity')) { $info = system_get_info('module', 'entity'); if (version_compare($info['version'], '8.x-1.0-alpha3') >= 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Implements hook_requirements(). */ function media_entity_requirements($phase) { $requirements = []; if ($phase == 'update' && !_media_entity_check_entity_version()) { $requirements['entity'] = [ 'title' => t('Media entity'), 'value' => t('Entity API missing'), 'description' => t( 'Entity API >= 8.x-1.0-alpha3 module is now a dependency and needs to be installed before running updates.', [':url' => ''] ), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, ]; } if ($phase == 'install' && \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('media')) { $version = explode('.', \Drupal::VERSION); if ($version[1] >= 4) { $requirements['media_module_incompatibility'] = [ 'title' => t('Media Entity'), 'value' => t('The Media Entity module is not compatible with media in core.'), 'description' => t('The 1.x branch of Media Entity cannot be used in conjunction with the media module in core. Please check the 2.x branch for an upgrade path.'), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, ]; } } return $requirements; } /** * Implements hook_install(). */ function media_entity_install() { $source = drupal_get_path('module', 'media_entity') . '/images/icons'; $destination = \Drupal::config('media_entity.settings')->get('icon_base'); media_entity_copy_icons($source, $destination); } /** * Remove "type" base field. */ function media_entity_update_8001() { $fields = \Drupal::database()->query('DESCRIBE {media_field_data}')->fetchCol(); if (in_array('type', $fields)) { \Drupal::database()->update('media_field_data') ->fields(['type' => NULL]) ->execute(); } $manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager(); if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('type', 'media')) { $manager->uninstallFieldStorageDefinition($field); } } /** * Ensure media entity status value (defaulting to 1). */ function media_entity_update_8002() { // Ensure status values in 'media_field_data' table. if (\Drupal::database()->schema()->tableExists('media_field_data')) { \Drupal::database() ->update('media_field_data') ->fields(['status' => 1]) ->condition('status', NULL, 'IS NULL') ->execute(); } // Ensure status values in 'media_field_revision' table. if (\Drupal::database()->schema()->tableExists('media_field_revision')) { \Drupal::database() ->update('media_field_revision') ->fields(['status' => 1]) ->condition('status', NULL, 'IS NULL') ->execute(); } // Flush all caches. drupal_flush_all_caches(); } /** * Ensure Entity API is installed. */ function media_entity_update_8003() { if (!_media_entity_check_entity_version()) { throw new \Drupal\Core\Utility\UpdateException('Entity API >= 8.x-1.0-alpha3 ( module is now a dependency and needs to be installed before running updates.'); } }