version = $this->getLegacyDrupalVersion($connection); $database_state['key'] = drush_get_option('legacy-db-key'); $database_state_key = 'migrate_drupal_' . $this->version; \Drupal::state()->set($database_state_key, $database_state); \Drupal::state()->set('migrate.fallback_state_key', $database_state_key); } else { $db_url = drush_get_option('legacy-db-url'); $db_spec = drush_convert_db_from_db_url($db_url); $db_prefix = drush_get_option('legacy-db-prefix'); $db_spec['prefix'] = $db_prefix; $connection = $this->getConnection($db_spec); $this->version = $this->getLegacyDrupalVersion($connection); $this->createDatabaseStateSettings($db_spec, $this->version); } $this->databaseStateKey = 'migrate_drupal_' . $this->version; $migrations = $this->getMigrations($this->databaseStateKey, $this->version); $this->migrationList = []; foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $this->applyFilePath($migration); $this->expandNodeMigrations($migration); $this->migrationList[$migration->id()] = $migration; } } /** * Adds the source base path configuration to relevant migrations. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration * Migration to alter with the provided path. */ protected function applyFilePath(MigrationInterface $migration) { $destination = $migration->getDestinationConfiguration(); if ($destination['plugin'] === 'entity:file') { // Make sure we have a single trailing slash. $source_base_path = rtrim(drush_get_option('legacy-root'), '/') . '/'; $source = $migration->getSourceConfiguration(); $source['constants']['source_base_path'] = $source_base_path; $migration->set('source', $source); } } /** * For D6 term_node migrations, make sure the nid reference is expanded. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration * Migration to alter with the list of node migrations. */ protected function expandNodeMigrations(MigrationInterface $migration) { $source = $migration->getSourceConfiguration(); // Track the node migrations as we see them. if ($source['plugin'] == 'd6_node') { $this->nodeMigrations[] = $migration->id(); } elseif ($source['plugin'] == 'd6_term_node' || $source['plugin'] == 'd6_term_node_revision') { if ($source['plugin'] == 'd6_term_node') { $id_property = 'nid'; } else { $id_property = 'vid'; } // If the ID mapping is to the underived d6_node migration, replace // it with an expanded list of node migrations. $process = $migration->getProcess(); $new_nid_process = []; foreach ($process[$id_property] as $delta => $plugin_configuration) { if (in_array($plugin_configuration['plugin'], $this->migrationLookupPluginIds) && is_string($plugin_configuration['migration']) && substr($plugin_configuration['migration'], -7) == 'd6_node') { $plugin_configuration['migration'] = $this->nodeMigrations; } $new_nid_process[$delta] = $plugin_configuration; } $migration->setProcessOfProperty($id_property, $new_nid_process); } } /** * Run the configured migrations. */ public function import() { static::$messages = new DrushLogMigrateMessage(); if (drush_get_option('debug')) { \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher')->addListener(MigrateEvents::IDMAP_MESSAGE, [get_class(), 'onIdMapMessage']); } foreach ($this->migrationList as $migration_id => $migration) { drush_print(dt('Upgrading @migration', ['@migration' => $migration_id])); $executable = new MigrateExecutable($migration, static::$messages); // drush_op() provides --simulate support. drush_op([$executable, 'import']); } } /** * Export the configured migration plugins as configuration entities. */ public function export() { $db_info = \Drupal::state()->get($this->databaseStateKey); // Create a group to hold the database configuration. $group = [ 'id' => $this->databaseStateKey, 'label' => 'Import from Drupal ' . $this->version, 'description' => 'Migrations originally generated from drush migrate-upgrade --configure-only', 'source_type' => 'Drupal ' . $this->version, 'shared_configuration' => [ 'source' => [ 'key' => 'drupal_' . $this->version, ] ] ]; // Only add the database connection info to the configuration entity // if it was passed in as a parameter. if (!empty(drush_get_option('legacy-db-url'))) { $group['shared_configuration']['source']['database'] = $db_info['database']; } // Ditto for the key. if (!empty(drush_get_option('legacy-db-key'))) { $group['shared_configuration']['source']['key'] = drush_get_option('legacy-db-key'); } $group = MigrationGroup::create($group); $group->save(); foreach ($this->migrationList as $migration_id => $migration) { drush_print(dt('Exporting @migration as @new_migration', ['@migration' => $migration_id, '@new_migration' => $this->modifyId($migration_id)])); $entity_array['id'] = $migration_id; $entity_array['class'] = $migration->get('class'); $entity_array['cck_plugin_method'] = $migration->get('cck_plugin_method'); $entity_array['field_plugin_method'] = $migration->get('field_plugin_method'); $entity_array['migration_group'] = $this->databaseStateKey; $entity_array['migration_tags'] = $migration->get('migration_tags'); $entity_array['label'] = $migration->get('label'); $entity_array['source'] = $migration->getSourceConfiguration(); $entity_array['destination'] = $migration->getDestinationConfiguration(); $entity_array['process'] = $migration->get('process'); $entity_array['migration_dependencies'] = $migration->getMigrationDependencies(); $migration_entity = Migration::create($this->substituteIds($entity_array)); $migration_entity->save(); } } /** * Rewrite any migration plugin IDs so they won't conflict with the core * IDs. * * @param $entity_array * A configuration array for a migration. * * @return array * The migration configuration array modified with new IDs. */ protected function substituteIds($entity_array) { $entity_array['id'] = $this->modifyId($entity_array['id']); foreach ($entity_array['migration_dependencies'] as $type => $dependencies) { foreach ($dependencies as $key => $dependency) { $entity_array['migration_dependencies'][$type][$key] = $this->modifyId($dependency); } } $this->substituteMigrationIds($entity_array['process']); return $entity_array; } /** * Recursively substitute IDs for migration plugins. * * @param mixed $process */ protected function substituteMigrationIds(&$process) { if (is_array($process)) { // We found a migration plugin, change the ID. if (isset($process['plugin']) && in_array($process['plugin'], $this->migrationLookupPluginIds)) { if (is_array($process['migration'])) { $new_migration = []; foreach ($process['migration'] as $migration) { $new_migration[] = $this->modifyId($migration); } $process['migration'] = $new_migration; } else { $process['migration'] = $this->modifyId($process['migration']); } // The source_ids configuration for migrate_lookup is keyed by // migration id. If it is there, we need to rekey to the new ids. if (isset($process['source_ids']) && is_array($process['source_ids'])) { $new_source_ids = []; foreach ($process['source_ids'] as $migration_id => $source_ids) { $new_migration_id = $this->modifyId($migration_id); $new_source_ids[$new_migration_id] = $source_ids; } $process['source_ids'] = $new_source_ids; } } else { // Recurse on each array member. foreach ($process as &$subprocess) { $this->substituteMigrationIds($subprocess); } } } } /** * @param $id * The original core plugin ID. * * @return string * The ID modified to serve as a configuration entity ID. */ protected function modifyId($id) { return drush_get_option('migration-prefix', 'upgrade_') . str_replace(':', '_', $id); } /** * Rolls back the configured migrations. */ public function rollback() { static::$messages = new DrushLogMigrateMessage(); $database_state_key = \Drupal::state()->get('migrate.fallback_state_key'); $database_state = \Drupal::state()->get($database_state_key); $db_spec = $database_state['database']; $connection = $this->getConnection($db_spec); $version = $this->getLegacyDrupalVersion($connection); $migrations = $this->getMigrations('migrate_drupal_' . $version, $version); // Roll back in reverse order. $this->migrationList = array_reverse($migrations); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { drush_print(dt('Rolling back @migration', ['@migration' => $migration->id()])); $executable = new MigrateExecutable($migration, static::$messages); // drush_op() provides --simulate support. drush_op([$executable, 'rollback']); } } /** * Display any messages being logged to the ID map. * * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateIdMapMessageEvent $event * The message event. */ public static function onIdMapMessage(MigrateIdMapMessageEvent $event) { if ($event->getLevel() == MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_NOTICE || $event->getLevel() == MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL) { $type = 'status'; } else { $type = 'error'; } $source_id_string = implode(',', $event->getSourceIdValues()); $message = t('Source ID @source_id: @message', ['@source_id' => $source_id_string, '@message' => $event->getMessage()]); static::$messages->display($message, $type); } }