README.txt ========== Paragraph is a module to create paragraphs in your content. You can create types(with own display and fields) as paragraph types. When you use the Entity Reference Paragraphs widget + Entity Reference selection type on your node/entity, you can select the allowed types, and when using the widget, you can select a paragraph type from the allowed types to use different fields/display per paragraph. * Different fields per paragraph type * Using different paragraph types in a single paragraph field * Displays per paragraph type CONFIGURATION ------------- * Enable the Paragraph module. * Add new languages for the translation in Configuration » Languages. * Enable any custom content type with a paragraph field to be translatable in Configuration » Content language and translation: - Under Custom language settings check Content. - Under Content check the content type with a paragraph field. - Make sure that the paragraph field is set to NOT translatable. - Set the fields of each paragraph type to translatable as required. * Check Paragraphs as the embedded reference in Configuration » Translation Management settings. * Create a new content - Paragraphed article and translate it. LIMITATION ------------- For now, this module does not support switching entity reference revision field of the paragraph itself into multilingual mode. This would raise complexity significantly. Check #2461695: Support translatable paragraph entity reference revision field (