schema(); if (!$database_schema->tableExists($alias_storage::TABLE)) { $schema_definition = $alias_storage->schemaDefinition(); $database_schema->createTable($alias_storage::TABLE, $schema_definition); } } } /** * Updates pathauto widgets to use the path widget ID. */ function pathauto_update_8001() { // Replace values in the 'entity.definitions.installed' keyvalue collection. $collection = \Drupal::service('keyvalue')->get('entity.definitions.installed'); foreach ($collection->getAll() as $key => $definitions) { if (!is_array($definitions) || empty($definitions['path'])) { continue; } // Retrieve and change path base field definition. $path_definition = $definitions['path']; if (($options = $path_definition->getDisplayOptions('form')) && $options['type'] = 'pathauto') { $options['type'] = 'path'; $path_definition->setDisplayOptions('form', $options); // Save the new value. $collection->set($key, $definitions); } } foreach (EntityFormDisplay::loadMultiple() as $form_display) { if ($component = $form_display->getComponent('path')) { if (isset($component['type']) && $component['type'] == 'pathauto') { $component['type'] = 'path'; $form_display->setComponent('path', $component); $form_display->save(); } } } } /** * Converts patterns from configuration objects to configuration entities. */ function pathauto_update_8100() { \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['ctools']); $messages = array(); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface $entity_bundle_info */ $entity_bundle_info = \Drupal::service(''); $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager(); $language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager(); $entity_type_manager->clearCachedDefinitions(); \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.alias_type')->clearCachedDefinitions(); $entity_types = $entity_type_manager->getDefinitions(); // 1. Load all patterns. $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('pathauto.pattern'); $patterns = $config->get('patterns'); // 2. Create a configuration entity per pattern. foreach ($patterns as $entity_type => $entity_patterns) { if (!array_key_exists($entity_type, $entity_types)) { // We found an unknown entity type. Report it. $messages[] = t('Entity of type @type was not processed. It defines the following patterns: @patterns', array( '@type' => $entity_type, '@patterns' => print_r($entity_patterns, TRUE), )); continue; } $entity_label = $entity_types[$entity_type]->getLabel(); if (!empty($entity_patterns['default'])) { // This is a pattern for an entity type, such as "node". $pattern = PathautoPattern::create([ 'id' => $entity_type, 'label' => $entity_label, 'type' => 'canonical_entities:' . $entity_type, 'pattern' => $entity_patterns['default'], 'weight' => 0, ]); $pattern->save(); } // Loop over bundles and create patterns if they have a value. // Bundle keys may have a language suffix for language-dependant patterns. if (isset($entity_patterns['bundles'])) { $bundle_info = $entity_bundle_info->getBundleInfo($entity_type); foreach ($entity_patterns['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_patterns) { if (empty($bundle_patterns['default'])) { // This bundle does not define a pattern. Move on to the next one. continue; } if (isset($bundle_info[$bundle])) { // This is a pattern for a bundle, such as "node_article". $pattern = PathautoPattern::create([ 'id' => $entity_type . '_' . $bundle, 'label' => $entity_label . ' ' . $bundle_info[$bundle]['label'], 'type' => 'canonical_entities:' . $entity_type, 'pattern' => $bundle_patterns['default'], 'weight' => -5, ]); // Add the bundle condition. $pattern->addSelectionCondition([ 'id' => 'entity_bundle:' . $entity_type, 'bundles' => array($bundle => $bundle), 'negate' => FALSE, 'context_mapping' => [ $entity_type => $entity_type ], ]); $pattern->save(); } else { // This is either a language dependent pattern such as "article_es" or // an unknown bundle or langcode. Let's figure it out. $matches = NULL; $langcode = NULL; $extracted_bundle = NULL; $language = NULL; preg_match('/^(.*)_([a-z-]*)$/', $bundle, $matches); if (count($matches) == 3) { list(, $extracted_bundle, $langcode) = $matches; $language = $language_manager->getLanguage($langcode); } // Validate bundle, langcode and language. if (!isset($bundle_info[$extracted_bundle]) || ($langcode == NULL) || ($language == NULL)) { $messages[] = t('Unrecognized entity bundle @entity:@bundle was not processed. It defines the following patterns: @patterns', array( '@entity' => $entity_type, '@bundle' => $bundle, '@patterns' => print_r($entity_patterns, TRUE), )); continue; } // This is a pattern for a bundle and a language, such as "node_article_es". $pattern = PathautoPattern::create([ 'id' => $entity_type . '_' . $extracted_bundle . '_' . str_replace('-', '_', $langcode), 'label' => $entity_label . ' ' . $bundle_info[$extracted_bundle]['label'] . ' ' . $language->getName(), 'type' => 'canonical_entities:' . $entity_type, 'pattern' => $bundle_patterns['default'], 'weight' => -10, ]); // Add the bundle condition. $pattern->addSelectionCondition([ 'id' => 'entity_bundle:' . $entity_type, 'bundles' => array($extracted_bundle => $extracted_bundle), 'negate' => FALSE, 'context_mapping' => [ $entity_type => $entity_type ], ]); // Add the language condition. $language_mapping = $entity_type . ':' . $entity_type_manager->getDefinition($entity_type)->getKey('langcode') . ':language'; $pattern->addSelectionCondition([ 'id' => 'language', 'langcodes' => [ $langcode => $langcode ], 'negate' => FALSE, 'context_mapping' => [ 'language' => $language_mapping, ] ]); // Add the context relationship for this language. $pattern->addRelationship($language_mapping, 'Language'); $pattern->save(); } } } } // 3. Delete the old configuration object that stores patterns. $config->delete(); // 4. Print out messages. if (!empty($messages)) { return implode('
', $messages); } } /** * Update relationship storage. */ function pathauto_update_8101() { foreach (\Drupal::configFactory()->listAll('pathauto.pattern.') as $pattern_config_name) { $pattern_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable($pattern_config_name); $relationships = []; foreach ((array) $pattern_config->get('context_definitions') as $context_definition) { $relationships[$context_definition['id']] = ['label' => $context_definition['label']]; } $pattern_config->clear('context_definitions'); $pattern_config->set('relationships', $relationships); $pattern_config->save(); } } /** * Update node type conditions from entity_bundle to node_type. */ function pathauto_update_8102() { // Load all pattern configuration entities. foreach (\Drupal::configFactory()->listAll('pathauto.pattern.') as $pattern_config_name) { $pattern_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable($pattern_config_name); // Loop patterns and swap the entity_bundle:node plugin by the node_type // plugin. if ($pattern_config->get('type') == 'canonical_entities:node') { $selection_criteria = $pattern_config->get('selection_criteria'); foreach ($selection_criteria as $uuid => $condition) { if ($condition['id'] == 'entity_bundle:node') { $selection_criteria[$uuid]['id'] = 'node_type'; $pattern_config->set('selection_criteria', $selection_criteria); $pattern_config->save(); break; } } } } } /** * Fix invalid default value for ignore_words. */ function pathauto_update_8103() { $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory(); $config = $config_factory->getEditable('pathauto.settings'); $ignore_words = $config->get('ignore_words'); if ($ignore_words === ', in, is,that, the , this, with, ') { $config->set('ignore_words', 'a, an, as, at, before, but, by, for, from, is, in, into, like, of, off, on, onto, per, since, than, the, this, that, to, up, via, with')->save(TRUE); } } /** * Resave patterns so that lookup keys are updated. */ function pathauto_update_8104() { \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->clearCachedDefinitions(); // Load all pattern configuration entities and save them, so that the new // status lookup keys are saved. foreach (\Drupal::configFactory()->listAll('pathauto.pattern.') as $pattern_config_name) { $pattern_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable($pattern_config_name); $pattern_config->save(); } } /** * Ensure the url_alias table exists. */ function pathauto_update_8105() { _pathauto_ensure_url_alias_table_exists(); } /** * Update default configuration for enabled entity types. */ function pathauto_update_8106() { $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory(); $config = $config_factory->getEditable('pathauto.settings'); $config->set('enabled_entity_types', ['user']); $config->save(); }