ABOUT Provides integration between Slick carousel and Media entity. Slick media allows richer slideshow/carousel contents with a mix of text, image and video. This provides a Slick media formatter for the supported Media entities: o Media entity image o Media entity embeddable video REQUIREMENTS [1] http://dgo.to/slick [2] http://dgo.to/media_entity_image [3] http://dgo.to/media_entity_embeddable_video The last 2 modules depend on Media entity. INSTALLATION Install the module as usual, more info can be found on: http://drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes/modules-7 Enable Slick media module under "Slick" package: /admin/modules#edit-modules-slick USAGE / CONFIGURATION - Enable this module and its dependencies mentioned above. - At admin/config/people/accounts/fields, Content types or any fieldable entity, -- click "Manage display". - Under "Format", choose "Slick media" for Media entity reference field, and click the "Configure" icon. Adjust formatter options accordingly, including your optionset. Be sure a Media entity reference field is already added with the expected fields for title, caption, image and video. And they are not hidden at the chosen View mode. The more complex is your slide, the more options are available. OPTIONSET To create your optionsets, go to: "admin/config/media/slick" SLIDE LAYOUT The slide layout option depends on at least a skin selected. No skin, just DIY. A Media entity is fieldable entity so you can add custom field to hold layout options. While core image field supports several caption placements/ layout that affect the entire slides, the fieldable entity may have unique layout per slide using a dedicated "List (text)" type with the following supported/pre-defined keys: top, right, bottom, left, center, below, e.g: Option #1 --------- bottom|Caption bottom top|Caption top right|Caption right left|Caption left center|Caption center center-top|Caption center top below|Caption below the slide Option #2 --------- If you have complex slide layout via Media entity with overlay video or images within slide captions, also supported: stage-right|Caption left, stage right stage-left|Caption right, stage left Option #3 --------- If you choose skin Split, additional layout options supported: split-right|Caption left, stage right, split half split-left|Caption right, stage left, split half Split means image and caption are displayed side by side. Specific to split layout, be sure to get consistent options (left and right) per slide, and also choose optionset with skin Split to have a context per slideshow. Otherwise layout per slideshow with reusable Media files will be screwed up. Except the "Caption below the slide" option, all is absolutely positioned aka overlayed on top of the main slide image/ background for larger monitor. Those layouts are ideally applied to large displays, not multiple small slides, nor small carousels, except "Caption below the slide" which is reasonable with small slides. Option #4 --------- Merge all options as needed. TROUBLESHOOTING Be sure to first update Blazy and Slick prior to this module update. AUTHOR/MAINTAINER/CREDITS gausarts READ MORE See the project page on drupal.org: http://drupal.org/project/slick_media.