[ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_accordion', 'template_preprocess_views_view_accordion', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_carousel'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_carousel', 'template_preprocess_views_view_carousel', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_grid'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_grid', 'template_preprocess_views_view_grid', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_list_group'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_list_group', 'template_preprocess_views_view_list_group', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_media_object'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_media_object', 'template_preprocess_views_view_media_object', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_tab'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_tab', 'template_preprocess_views_view_tab', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; $hooks['views_bootstrap_table'] = [ 'preprocess functions' => [ 'template_preprocess_views_bootstrap_table', 'template_preprocess_views_view_table', ], 'file' => 'views_bootstrap.theme.inc', ]; return $hooks; } /** * Get unique element id. * * @param \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view * A ViewExecutable object. * * @return string * A unique id for an HTML element. */ public static function getUniqueId(ViewExecutable $view) { $id = $view->storage->id() . '-' . $view->current_display; return Html::getUniqueId('views-bootstrap-' . $id); } /** * Get the number of items from the column class string. * * @param string $size * Bootstrap grid size xs|sm|md|lg. * * @return int|false * Number of columns in a 12 column grid or false. */ public static function getColSize($size) { if (preg_match('~col-[a-z]{2}-([0-9]*)~', $size, $matches)) { return 12 / $matches[1]; } return FALSE; } }