+++ Toby Churchill [2011-10-27 22:23 +0100]: > You should be able to open the pinout attachment at the foot of: > https://sites.google.com/site/balloonboards/balloonboard-org Ooh, that's very handy. Well done someone. > Please report if: > > 1. You can't open it. I can't 'view' it unless I sign in to google, which is not an acceptable way to deliver documents IMHO. I guess the download link does do something sensible. The more I have to do with google docs the less I like it (I shall refrain from moaning here at great length about why). Just make it a .ODS sheet (or PDF), not a proprietary spreadsheet format, and not on a tiresome cloud service which won't even let you look at a doc without signing in so they can track it. > 2. Errata It says it covers Balloonboard2 and v 2.31-3.33. I think that's wrong and should be bb 3, v3.21-3.33. The file has also been saved on the site with a leading space in the filename (took me a mo to work out what was going on there!) I've uploaded an ODS version of this (with above corrected) to here: http://balloonboard.org/hardware/pinouts.ods (and linked it from http://www.balloonboard.org/balloonwiki/Hardware ) Wookey -- Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM http://wookware.org/