Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / console / config.yml
1 application:
2   environment: 'prod'
3   language: 'en'
4   editor: 'vim'
5   temp: '/tmp'
6   cache:
7     directory: 'console/cache/'
8   develop: 'false'
9   command: 'about'
10   checked: 'false'
11   clear: 'false'
12   remote:
13     user: 'drupal'
14 #    password: 'drupal'
15     port: '22'
16 #    keys:
17 #      public: '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
18 #      private: '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
19 #      passphrase: '~/.ssh/passphrase.txt'
20   composer:
21     create-project:
22       default:
23         package: 'drupal-composer/drupal-project'
24       drupal:
25         package: 'drupal/drupal'
26     repositories:
27       default: 'https://packagist.drupal-composer.org'
28       drupal: 'https://packages.drupal.org/8'
29       packagist: 'https://packagist.org'
30   disable:
31     modules:
32 #      - module_name_one
33 #      - module_name_two
34     commands:
35       module:download: 'composer require drupal/project'
36       module:update: 'composer update drupal/project'
37       theme:download: 'composer require drupal/project'
38       theme:update: 'composer update drupal/project'
39     namespaces:
40 #      - generate
41 #      - create
42   options:
43     learning: true
44 #    target: drupalvm.dev
45 #    uri: miltisite.dev
46     generate-inline: false
47     generate-chain: false