[yaffs-website] / vendor / drupal / console / composer.json
1 {
2     "name": "drupal/console",
3     "description": "The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.",
4     "keywords": ["Drupal", "Console", "Development", "Symfony"],
5     "homepage": "http://drupalconsole.com/",
6     "type": "project",
7     "license": "GPL-2.0+",
8     "authors": [
9         {
10             "name":      "David Flores",
11             "email":     "dmousex@gmail.com",
12             "homepage":  "http://dmouse.net"
13         },
14         {
15             "name":      "Jesus Manuel Olivas",
16             "email":     "jesus.olivas@gmail.com",
17             "homepage":  "http://jmolivas.com"
18         },
19         {
20             "name":      "Eduardo Garcia",
21             "email":     "enzo@enzolutions.com",
22             "homepage":  "http://enzolutions.com/"
23         },
24         {
25             "name":      "Omar Aguirre",
26             "email":     "omersguchigu@gmail.com"
27         },
28         {
29             "name":      "Drupal Console Contributors",
30             "homepage":  "https://github.com/hechoendrupal/DrupalConsole/graphs/contributors"
31         }
32     ],
33     "support": {
34         "issues": "https://github.com/hechoendrupal/DrupalConsole/issues",
35         "forum": "https://gitter.im/hechoendrupal/DrupalConsole",
36         "docs": "https://docs.drupalconsole.com/"
37     },
38     "require": {
39         "php": "^5.5.9 || ^7.0",
40         "drupal/console-core" : "1.0.0-rc16",
41         "drupal/console-extend-plugin": "~0",
42         "alchemy/zippy": "0.4.3",
43         "doctrine/collections":"1.3.0",
44         "composer/installers": "~1.0",
45         "symfony/css-selector": ">=2.7 <3.0",
46         "symfony/dom-crawler": ">=2.7 <3.3",
47         "symfony/http-foundation": ">=2.7 <3.0",
48         "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.1",
49         "gabordemooij/redbean": "~4.3",
50         "doctrine/annotations": "1.2.*",
51         "symfony/expression-language": ">=2.7 <3.0",
52         "psy/psysh": "0.6.* || ~0.8"
53     },
54     "bin": ["bin/drupal"],
55     "config": {
56         "bin-dir": "bin/"
57     },
58     "minimum-stability": "dev",
59     "prefer-stable": true,
60     "autoload": {
61         "psr-4": {"Drupal\\Console\\": "src"}
62     }
63 }