Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / entity_browser / tests / modules / entity_browser_test_paragraphs / config / install / core.entity_form_display.paragraph.content_embed.default.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   config:
5     - entity_browser.browser.test_nodes
6     - field.field.paragraph.content_embed.field_content_reference
7     - field.field.paragraph.content_embed.field_paragraphs_nested
8     - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.content_embed
9   module:
10     - entity_browser
11 id: paragraph.content_embed.default
12 targetEntityType: paragraph
13 bundle: content_embed
14 mode: default
15 content:
16   field_content_reference:
17     weight: 0
18     settings:
19       entity_browser: test_nodes
20       field_widget_display: label
21       field_widget_edit: true
22       field_widget_remove: true
23       field_widget_replace: false
24       selection_mode: selection_append
25       open: true
26       field_widget_display_settings: {  }
27     third_party_settings: {  }
28     type: entity_browser_entity_reference
29   field_paragraphs_nested:
30     type: entity_reference_paragraphs
31     weight: 1
32     settings:
33       title: Paragraph
34       title_plural: Paragraphs
35       edit_mode: open
36       add_mode: dropdown
37       form_display_mode: default
38       default_paragraph_type: '_none'
39     third_party_settings: {  }
40 hidden:
41   created: true
42   status: true
43   uid: true