Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / migrate_tools / tests / modules / migrate_tools_test / config / install / migrate_plus.migration.fruit_terms.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies: {  }
4 id: fruit_terms
5 label: Fruit Terms
6 class: null
7 field_plugin_method: null
8 cck_plugin_method: null
9 migration_tags: {  }
10 migration_group: default
11 source:
12   plugin: embedded_data
13   data_rows:
14     -
15       name: Apple
16     -
17       name: Banana
18     -
19       name: Orange
20   ids:
21     name:
22       type: string
23   constants:
24     vocabulary: fruit
25 process:
26   name: name
27   vid: constants/vocabulary
28 destination:
29   plugin: entity:taxonomy_term
30 migration_dependencies:
31   required: {  }
32   optional: {  }