Upgraded imagemagick and manually altered pdf to image module to handle changes....
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / paragraphs / modules / paragraphs_demo / config / install / field.field.paragraph.text_image.field_image_demo.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   config:
5     - field.storage.paragraph.field_image_demo
6     - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.text_image
7   module:
8     - content_translation
9     - image
10 third_party_settings:
11   content_translation:
12     translation_sync:
13       alt: alt
14       title: title
15       file: '0'
16 id: paragraph.text_image.field_image_demo
17 field_name: field_image_demo
18 entity_type: paragraph
19 bundle: text_image
20 label: Image
21 description: ''
22 required: false
23 translatable: true
24 default_value: {  }
25 default_value_callback: ''
26 settings:
27   file_directory: ''
28   file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
29   max_filesize: ''
30   max_resolution: ''
31   min_resolution: ''
32   alt_field: false
33   alt_field_required: false
34   title_field: false
35   title_field_required: false
36   default_image:
37     uuid: ''
38     alt: ''
39     title: ''
40     width: null
41     height: null
42   handler: default
43   handler_settings: {  }
44 field_type: image