Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / pathauto / config / schema / pathauto.schema.yml
1 pathauto.settings:
2   type: config_object
3   mapping:
4     enabled_entity_types:
5       label: Enabled entity types
6       type: sequence
7       sequence:
8         type: string
9     punctuation:
10       type: sequence
11       sequence:
12         type: integer
13     verbose:
14       type: boolean
15     separator:
16       type: string
17     max_length:
18       type: integer
19     max_component_length:
20       type: integer
21     transliterate:
22       type: boolean
23     reduce_ascii:
24       type: boolean
25     case:
26       type: boolean
27     ignore_words:
28       type: string
29     update_action:
30       type: integer
31     safe_tokens:
32       label: Tokens that are safe to use and do not need to be cleaned.
33       type: sequence
34       sequence:
35         type: string
37 action.configuration.pathauto_update_alias:
38   type: action_configuration_default
39   label: 'Update URL alias'